British Gas slaps customer with £57,000 bill and warns to pay in 'weeks'

A British Gas customer has been left raging after being hit with a £57,000 bill for a MONTH of energy and warned to pay in weeks. Katie Coyne and her husband Richard were warned they had just weeks to pay the eye-watering bill..

British Gas, which is rivalled by the likes of OVO, EDF, EON, Octopus and more, slapped the pair with a £57,000 energy bill. The couple were stunned by the whopping charge and they slammed British Gas's customer service amid the Cost of Living crisis.

Their annual estimate is just £2,150. Katie, 60, said: "I opened it and did a double take. I thought, 'You're having a laugh!' We have a smart meter, so they should have accurate readings. But all our bills say they are estimates - it doesn't make sense.

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"We just pay them £180 a month because we think that's about right and we don't want to get into debt. But our bills don't make sense at all. Sometimes they say we owe them and sometimes they say they owe us."

She added: "This makes you feel so small - like you don't count for anything." Katie said: "They say they're sorry but that doesn't work anymore. It's just a joke." Katie said: "It's impossible to speak to someone. They're just hiding behind their screens. If we do get through they ask us to email and they say it will be sorted but it isn't. We've made six or seven official complaints. I've been at my wits' end with this.

"I'm feeling really desperate about it. We deserve to be compensated for all the stress and lost lunch breaks. We're getting through this because we have each other but I worry that it could happen to someone vulnerable and alone." She added: "I'm just really angry that we're being ignored.

"They don't seem to care about the impact on someone's mental state. We have to watch every penny. I just hope and pray that government and big corporations realise soon that they need people like us or everything will fold eventually."

British Gas said: "We’re very sorry about this mistake, we’ve confirmed to Mrs Coyne that the bill was clearly incorrect. She wasn’t charged, we cancelled the bill on the same day and took no payment. We will send her an updated bill shortly."