Brits are 'clueless' about fish - but can you distinguish your plaice from your pollock?

Cod over a bed of vegetables
Cod over a bed of vegetables -Credit:Getty Images

A survey of 2,000 adults revealed that 53 per cent are 'clueless' about fish, despite 67 per cent eating it at least once a week.

So, how do you measure up? Are you 'small fry' in your understanding of these aquatic vertebrates, or are you 'the big fish'? Do you know your plaice from your pollock, your trout from your tuna, or your salmon from sardines? By taking this quiz by Fish Said Fred, you can determine if you're at the top of the class.

Lisa Cowell, from the chilled fish brand that supplies responsibly sourced fish to UK supermarkets and also commissioned the research, stated: "Despite its popularity, many consumers don't know a great deal about fish. And they can be deterred by misconceptions around cooking time and how to serve it."

"But as the study shows, 56 per cent believe they should enjoy more fish than they currently do. So, we're on a mission to help people become more 'fish confident' by making fish quick, easy, simple and tasty for them to cook."

The study discovered that over three quarters cannot correctly identify haddock (78 per cent), and 62 per cent wouldn't recognise a cod if they saw one.

This is surprising given that these two species are the most popular fish to eat among those surveyed - cod (52 per cent), salmon (46 per cent), tuna (41 per cent) and haddock (36 per cent).

Wide variety of fish on offer at store
Wide variety of fish on offer at store -Credit:Getty Images

Three in five (57 per cent) are unable to correctly identify trout and 47 per cent wouldn't recognise tuna. It's a similar story with salmon (32 per cent) and sardines (44 per cent).

A surprising one in 10 people believe that supermarket fish is actually caught in the Loch Ness. Yet, it's not just about recognising different fish species where Brits are falling short. The survey revealed that half of the participants find it challenging to come up with inventive ways to cook fish.

Moreover, 18 per cent consider the preparation too much of a hassle, and 21 per cent lack confidence when cooking various types of fish. A significant 69 per cent pointed out that a lack of recipe ideas and knowledge are major obstacles to incorporating more fish into their diet.

Despite a general lack of fishy know-how, the appetite for seafood remains strong with 90 per cent of those surveyed enjoying fish as part of their meals.

Knowledge gaps notwithstanding, there's a clear consensus on the importance of ethical seafood consumption. According to the study conducted via OnePoll, a hefty 82 per cent deem it crucial that all seafood eaten is sourced in a responsible manner.

Speaking on behalf of Fish Said Fred, a spokesperson commented: "Fish is incredibly healthy and nutritious, and the NHS recommends eating two portions per week it's a great, simple source of protein for all UK families."