Brits issued Asian hornets warning and what to do if you spot dangerous insect

Closeup on a worker Asian long legged predatory horne.
These insects can be dangerous to both humans and wildlife -Credit:Getty

Insect experts have issued an important warning after an increase in Asian hornets nests have been found across the UK.

The weather across Britain has been improving by the day, with warmer temperatures and brighter skies coaxing pesky insects from their hiding places. One such insect is the Asian hornet which is a potentially dangerous bug that has a painful sting.

Being stung by this formidable insect could lead to anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction. While treatable, it could be life-threatening if left unnoticed, reports In Your Area.

The number of Asian hornet nests found in the UK has increased rapidly in recent years, according to the British Beekeepers Association. They said that by 2022, just 16 of these nests were discovered in the UK - but this has risen to 72 nests in 56 different locations by 2023.

These locations range from the southern coast to as far north as Scotland. This growing trend has raised worries that these insects could become an established threat in the UK without any effort to locate, track and destroy their nests.

It is not just the sting that poses a risk, according to insect experts. A spokesperson from the British Beekeepers Association has said that Asian hornets can also pose a serious threat to wildlife in Britain.

The spokesperson said: "Asian hornets have the capacity to wreak havoc on our wildlife in the UK through their destruction of honey bee colonies and their predation on a number of other insect species.

"Their habit of hovering outside bee hives stops the bees from going out to collect nectar and pollen to feed themselves. Just one nest of hornets can consume up to around 11kg of insects in a year. By now, most people are aware of just how important pollinators are to our own health and wellbeing and the security of our food chain."

Beekeepers in the UK have been expressing concern that Asian hornets are becoming the biggest threat to their little pollinators. One pesky hornet on its own may not cause much damage but they can be very defensive of their nests - which tend to spotted low to the ground hiding in brambles and hedgerows.

You could face some serious consequences if you disturb one of their nests, as the hornets will react similarly to wasps when they are threatened.

How do I spot an Asian hornet?

Asian hornet.
In 2023, 72 Asian hornet nests were found in the UK alone -Credit:Getty

Asian hornets are slightly smaller than the typical European hornet, with distinctive black bodies and an orange face. They also have bright yellow legs and stripes on their abdomen.

The British Beekeepers Association spokesperson added: "Look high and low, and if you think you see a yellow-legged Asian hornet, be sure to report it. Download the official Asian Hornet Watch app from your app store, and log any sightings, along with a photo if possible.

"It’s available for both Android and iPhone devices. Experts from the Government’s National Bee Unit (NBU) will then be able to identify if there’s a nest nearby and, if so, destroy it. If you think you see these insects coming and going from a nest - keep your distance. Stay at least 10 metres away to keep yourself safe."

You can download the Asian Hornet Watch app on the Google Play store here.

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