Brits warned over £170 fine in Spain for common bad driving habit

A woman driving a car
British drivers are being warned about the changes in Spain -Credit:Google

Drivers heading to Spain this summer are being warned how a common bad habit could land them a £170 fine. Many Britons take to the continent for family holidays during the warmer months, and Spain has long been a popular destination.

But motorists are being urged to read up on the rules of taking the wheel in the sun-soaked country as some of the driving laws differ to those in the UK. And one bad habit in particular may catch out drivers after laws banning it came into force in Spain in January.

Andrew Jervis, CEO of leading online mechanic marketplace ClickMechanic, said: “Driving while on holidays in another country can be an incredibly enjoyable experience and gives us much more freedom to enjoy the local surroundings.

“But motorists must keep in mind that many countries in Europe carry driving laws that don’t exist here in the UK, and it is easy to get caught out. Since January, Spanish police have been getting tough on drivers who fail to use their indicators, which many drivers will admit they are guilty of from time to time.

“This summer, falling foul of this rule could land you with a €200, or £170, fine as law enforcement officers get tough on offenders. Not only that, but being too slow to use your indicators before changing direction can land you with a minimum €80, or £68, fine.

“I would always advise motorists planning to get behind the wheel in another country to learn the local laws and not assume that they are the same as the UK.”

Since January 23 this year, drivers in Spain have been warned that they must indicate when taking on manoeuvres such as changing lanes, turning or exiting roundabouts. The Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic insisted it is a ‘critical component of road safety’ so that other road users are aware of any manoeuvres you are about to do.

It is part of a wider campaign to make driving in the Iberian Peninsula holiday hotspot safer. Each year, an estimated 17 million Brits head to Spain, with popular destinations including Barcelona, Madrid, Marbella and Benidorm.

In the UK, there is no specific law on the use of indicators but improper use is likely to fall under the category of ‘careless and inconsiderate driving’. It is good practice to use indicators when making any move that isn’t simply driving forward.

Examples include turning into a side road, overtaking another vehicle, turning off at a roundabout and pulling over to the side of the road.