Brothers who launched terrifying family feud machete attack at Walthamstow pub jailed for 48 years

Montage of Jaydon Brown (top right) and Brandon Brown (bottom right) with a main image of a police car outside The Duke following the machete attack
Jaydon Brown (top right) was stabbed in the neck during the knife attack at The Duke -Credit:MyLondon/MPS

When Jaydon and Brandon Brown walked into a Walthamstow pub, thirsty for blood in the midst of a family feud, they picked a fight no one could win. In a case of knifeman becoming knifed, Jaydon, 23, left The Duke on Wood Street with a stab wound to his throat, putting him in the same hospital as his victims, while brother Brandon, 25, fled the scene, a free man for just 11 more days.

Only a few hours earlier, the Dyer family had been at a funeral for their friend, Matthew Hughes, along with his grieving partner Tia Jackson, the aunty of Jaydon and Brandon. Something happened at the funeral which made Tia angry, and the anger followed the wake to the family-friendly gastropub. So, on a quiet Monday evening in February 2023, Tia made a phone call. What happened next turned one of London's coolest areas into a bloodbath.

Apparently spurred on by Tia's call, the Brown brothers donned balaclavas and armed themselves with machetes before making their way to The Duke. CCTV footage of the attack, seen by a jury at Inner London Crown Court this February, showed the pair stopping briefly outside to speak to someone in a parked car before strolling inside.

READ MORE: How the coolest place to live in the UK has suddenly become London’s knife crime capital

Police mugshots of Brandon Brown (left) and Jaydon Brown (right)
Brandon Brown (left) and Jaydon Brown (right) have been jailed for a total of 48 years for the machete assault -Credit:MPS

Just as witnesses told MyLondon at the time, Tia had been seen 'yelling into her phone' before the brothers walked in, one in a North Face and one in a Trap Star jacket. Without hesitation, they made a beeline for their target who was playing a game of pool. Brandishing 20-inch knives, Brandon and Jaydon launched an attack- described by prosecutor Warwick Tatford as 'savage and ferocious' - forcing Lawrence Dyer to fend them off with a flimsy pool cue.

As the cue shattered and pool balls flew across the pub, with some punters briefly frozen to their chairs, another set of Dyers, Sanchez and Reuben, joined the melee. Lawrence appeared to be the target, and he was stabbed in the thigh. Sanchez, who was stabbed in the arm trying to protect his organs, would later tell police 'They came to stab the sh*t out of us and that is what they did'.

In the face of death, Reuben Dyer plunged a knife deep into the neck of Jaydon, a moment that was caught on the pub's cameras. Like the Brown brothers, Reuben was later charged with attempted murder, but it was dropped before the trial. As Mr Tatford told the jury: "Dyer’s actions were drastic but, in the dire circumstances, reasonable and necessary in defence of others."

As Lawrence slumped to the floor inside The Duke, tended to by his wife Harriet, Jaydon staggered out into the street and fled up an alleyway to nearby Turner Street and down to Shernall Mini Market. As his sister Kyra arrived, her face red with blood, Jaydon asked for a cloth then started vomiting blood of his own. As they waited for an ambulance, Brandon passed a knife to a friend and left.

Police investigating outside The Duke following the machete attack
Locals were surprised something so horrendous could happen at the family-friendly pub -Credit:David Nathan/UKNIP

Meanwhile at The Duke, paramedics arrived to find the three Dyer boys laying injured on the floor. All three had wounds that suggested they had defended themselves in a knife attack. When police officers followed the grisly blood trail, from the pub door to Shernall Mini Market, they found two machetes and a sheath, hidden in different places. One of those had Brandon's DNA.

With Jaydon in hospital, and Brandon hiding out at a nearby flat, MyLondon went to the scene the next day and witnesses described the attack in detail. One man, whose pint was rudely interrupted, told us: "There were pool balls going everywhere at one point. There was lots of wood being broken. People were trying to rip each other apart."

The attackers - 'calm and casual' and moving 'like nothing happened' - were Jaydon and Brandon, and, to that witness at least, it was clear they meant business. "It was obviously a calculated attack and they knew what they were doing," he told us.

The intention - to murder Lawrence Dyer - was the argument made by prosecutors at a trial earlier this year. After Jaydon's arrest in his hospital bed on February 15, 2023, and Brandon's frantic arrest on Fyfield Road nine days later, on February 24, the pair were charged with attempted murder and sent to Inner London Crown Court in Southwark.

Caught red-handed, Jaydon admitted wounding the younger Dyer boys, but denied having any murderous intent towards Lawrence. His brother Brandon took another approach, claiming he was never even at the scene. After damning CCTV and DNA evidence, plus witness testimony from inside the pub, the jury found them guilty of attempted murder.

'My husband gave the fight of his life'

Forensic officers entering The Duke in Walthamstow
Forensics entering The Duke after the Brown brothers attacked a rival family -Credit:David Nathan/UKNIP

The court heard that almost a year after he was set upon by two machete-wielding brothers, Lawrence Dyer has been diagnosed with PTSD, and complained to his GP about nightmares, flashbacks and restless nights. While he's been 'dying inside', he told his doctor he's put a front on for his family.

As well as the psychological harm, Sanchez Dyer also suffered debilitating damage to his hand as he tried to palm off the knives. In a frank description of the injury, he said: "My hand's fucked, you know what I mean. The tendon's cut. I've got no feeling. It's difficult to do every day tasks. I can't cut my food or wipe my arse."

The most visceral description, however, came from Harriet Dyer, who claimed Brown brothers came to the pub with 'evil intention' to 'ambush' her husband. "It's of huge comfort to me my husband gave the fight of his life with a pool cue and his bare hands. You were not in control of the situation and you were scared. You underestimated the size of my husband, to your detriment." she told the court.

"I have never witnessed anything so horrific. It was nothing short of a bloodbath. It's not a scene I will forget. My husband battled with such force, I convinced myself you would not have been able to hurt him. I was wrong.

"As you cowered away, my husband slumped to the floor and shouted 'Harriet'. It's me who had to compress the wounds. My husband will never be the same again. My children will never be the same again."

'He is remarkably lucky to be alive'

Police outside Shernall Market
A police officer standing outside Shernall Market where Jaydon Brown fled with a near fatal neck wound -Credit:Callum Cuddeford/MyLondon

"This was not carrying knives just in case. This was two people armed with horrific weapons, masked up, who walked calmly into the pub for their target," Mr Tatler told the court on Wednesday (April 17). The prosecuting barrister called for the judge to consider both men's history of drug dealing offences, and Brandon's previous conviction for a robbery and wounding in a 2017 knife attack.

In their defence, barristers for the Browns cited their difficult childhood, growing up with a depressed mother who left them for a new life in America when they were young. Both boys ended up in care and became involved in crime, picking up 17 convictions between them, including for Class A drugs supply.

But a friend who gave a character reference said the Brandon he knew was not the same one who walked into The Duke that evening. The dad of two twins was said to have a good relationship with his family, including two grandmothers, and had managed stints in regular work before.

"This is not a young man without redeeming features and not a young man who can be wholly written off. I simply encourage you to keep the sentence as short as possible," Brandon's counsel said.

Unlike his brother, Jaydon had never troubled the court with a wounding offence, but he was also facing a separate matter after admitting his part in a drugs operation in Braintree in Essex. His leading role in the county line had only come to an end when he was stabbed in the neck.

In mitigation, his barrister reminded the court it had been Jaydon who came closest to death, and recalled his appearance in a brace, struggling to speak with his throat wound still healing. "This defendant, by his own actions, almost ended up losing his own life by consequence of the attack on that pub. Of all the people to sustain an injury that evening, he was the one who sustained the worst. He is remarkably lucky to be alive," they told the court.

'She must take some responsibility'

Police searching the gutters of The Duke
Police searching the gutters around The Duke looking for evidence and weapons -Credit:David Nathan/UKNIP

Judge Benedict Kelleher recalled events of February 13 as he came to sentence the Browns, telling the court the subject of the feud that sparked events that day remains a mystery. "Whatever it was, it did not come close to justifying, and will not come close to justifying, what you did on that day," said the judge.

"You both took the decision to go to that pub, armed with large blades, in order to attempt to kill Lawrence Dyer. You also had intended to cause serious harm to anybody who came to the defence of your attack, whether or not you set out to seriously harm all the male Dyer family that day."

Judge Kelleher also recalled the frantic phone call made by their aunty, Tia Jackson, which directed the brothers towards their target. "Although she has not been charged with anything, she must take some responsibility for what followed," he said.

"You went to the pool area, you clearly knew that's where they were. As you approached, you Brandon Brown overtook your brother and took the lead. You took out a large blade and struck out forcefully at Lawrence Dyer, and Sanchez Dyer as he came to assist.

"In what followed you caused some wounds to Lawrence Dyer that penetrated the muscle to his thigh and two other superficial cuts to his body. You also attacked Sanchez Dyer and he suffered a serious cut to this hand, exposing the tendons in his left finger. He also suffered a wound to his thigh. The whole thing lasted about a minute or so.

"But during what followed, Reuben Dyer, who had been outside and was alerted to what happened, came in armed with a knife and struck Jaydon Brown in the neck and caused a severe injury that might have been fatal. But you were able to come with some resolve and get out of the pub and make your escape.

"Reuben Dyer was also injured in that and suffered cuts to his thumb and arm, although to a less serious nature. Both of you made off and got assistance from friends. Clearly concerned about the state of Jaydon Brown, an ambulance was called and you Brandon Brown made off. Jaydon Brown was taken to hospital and arrested. You Brandon Brown were found 11 days later in a nearby flat."

Judge Kelleher was satisfied both men are 'dangerous' offenders, but was not moved to pass an extended sentence for either. Given his previous for a knife attack, and total denial of the offences, Brandon Brown was jailed for 25 years.

His young brother Jaydon, who was credited for admitting GBH against against the youngest Dyers before the trial, was given 21 years for attempted murder. He will, however, serve 23 years, after he was jailed for a further two years for drug dealing offences.

There were wails from the public gallery as both men were sent down, drowning out the judge's closing words. Brandon Brown briefly slumped his head, but both brothers showed little emotion while family and friends leant over the balcony of courtroom 4 - taking a final look at the shadows of their loved ones through the frosted glass roof of the dock.

The sentences

Brandon Brown - total of 25 years

  • Attempted murder of Lawrence Dyer - 25 years

  • GBH of Sanchez Dyer- 8 years

  • GBH of Reuben Dyer - 5 years

  • Knife possession - 2 years

Jaydon Brown - total of 23 years

Attempted murder of Lawrence Dyer - 21 years GBH of Sanchez Dyer- 6 years GBH of Reuben Dyer - 4 years Knife possession - 2 years Concerned in supply of heroin - 2 years Concerned in supply of crack cocaine - 2 years

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