Brussels fantastic film festival completes 40 years

Forty years of scary movies and chills, but also a lot of fun. That neatly sums up the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival which sees directors from all over the world descend on the Belgian capital to present their films.

John McTiernan, director of 'Predator' and 'Die Hard' is this year's guest of honour. But here, the audience is the real star.

Festival director Romain Roll says he is in tune with what the public expects, "we know exactly what they are going to like and the tradition for 40 years has been that we have an interactive public. So, every guest who arrives here, director, producer or actor, has to sing in front of the public. They are just waiting to get their song."

Capital of fantasy film

Brussels is not only the capital of Belgium, it's also the capital of fantasy film, with dozens of names from the past, the present, but especially from the future

As for homegrown talent, it's in the best tradition of Belgian comedy. Absurd humour is at the centre of 'Totem', a film that jokingly talks about a very serious topic - bullying.