'Bubbly' little girl, 2, drowned after 'falling into pond' at farm

Masie was described as a ‘bright, loving, bubbly child who enjoyed books, singing and dancing’
Masie was described as a ‘bright, loving, bubbly child who enjoyed books, singing and dancing’ -Credit:Charles Lomax-Newton / Facebook

A two-year-old girl tragically died after falling into a pond at a farm, an inquest has heard. Masie Elizabeth Lomax-Newton was rushed to hospital on November 8 2021 after she had fallen into the water at Crab Fold Farm, in Atherton.

An inquest at Bolton Coroner's Court heard how the toddler, who was just two years and three months old when she died, had been 'unsupervised for a period of 30 minutes' when she 'accidentally' plunged into the water through a part of the fence which had partially fallen down.

Tragically, Masie was later discovered 'face down' in the water. CCTV showed that she had been there for around 15 minutes before she was found.

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The inquest heard that Masie was unresponsive when she was found, and that she had 'drowned as a result of the immersion' in the water.

Emergency services attended and immediate resuscitation was commenced by paramedics at the scene and once she had been transferred to Royal Bolton Hospital.

Masie was then transferred to Royal Manchester Children's Hospital later that day. Due to lack of oxygen, the inquest heard that she suffered a hypoxic brain injury, which was later confirmed by MRI scans.

Masie was two-years-old when she died
Masie was two-years-old when she died

She was intubated weeks later, on November 23, due to her 'poor prognosis', however her breathing became 'more difficult' over the course of a few days. Masie passed away in hospital on December 1.

Following her death, a police investigation was launched. Her mum, Emma Lomax-Newton and grandma Cindy Molyneux, 52, later pleaded guilty to child neglect. Last December, they were both sentenced to a 12 month community order and 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirement days.

In court, Masie was described as a ‘bright, loving, bubbly child who enjoyed books, singing and dancing’. The court was told that her mum Emma had bought her a pony after she was born 'so she could share in her family's love for animals'.

The inquest heard that Masie's medical cause of death was bronchopneumonia and global hypoxic brain injury as a result of drowning. Assistant Coroner Michael James Pemberton came to a conclusion of accidental death, contributed to by neglect.

The conclusion from the record of inquest said: "Masie Elizabeth Lomax-Newton died as a consequence of accidentally falling into a pond whilst unsupervised by adults. This led to a hypoxic brain injury and following extubation after a poor prognosis she succumbed to bronchopneumonia which arose as a consequence of her drowning. Neglect contributed to her death."