'Bully' boyfriend headbutts, punches and strangles partner - now he's jailed

Dad Thomas Mobbs strangled his partner in her own home leaving her fearing for her life. The 34-year-old butted his victim, punched her, 'threw her around like a rag doll', and strangled her.

And when he was bailed to keep away from her he contacted her and went to her Cheadle street. The violence erupted last November.

Now Mobbs has been jailed for 27 months at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court and handed a restraining order banning him from contacting his victim or going to Cheadle for the next 10 years.

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Prosecutor Alison Whalley said: "He headbutted her. He grabbed her and threw her around like a rag doll before punching her to her right cheek and throwing her around by her hair. He went to headbutt her again. He threw her on the sofa and started to strangle her. She felt sick and dizzy. She believed she was going to die."

The victim was left with swelling and bruising to her eye, a sore mouth, and cuts to her chest. Mobbs later breached his bail conditions by sending her a Snapchat friend request, having a five-minute call, and visiting her street.

In a victim statement the woman said she was fearful for herself, her children, and her family. She does not wish to see him again. She added she feels violated, humiliated and belittled.

Mobbs, of Hollinscroft Court, Upper Tean, pleaded guilty to charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, intentional strangulation, and harassment.

Edmund Potts, mitigating, said Mobbs is 'filled with disgust and shame'. He'd lost a good job working in IT at a law firm and had struggled with addictions to alcohol and cocaine.

Recorder Robert Smith said: "You lost your job. You spiralled into depression and engaged in unpleasant behaviour. You headbutted her. You placed your hands around her throat and strangled her. She believed she would die. Strangulation of a domestic partner is a despicable act. You behaved like a coward and a bully. You strangled her with four children in the house."

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