Bully boyfriend terrorised woman with homemade mace and threatened to kill cats

Shane Jewson was handed a two-year prison sentence on Wednesday
Shane Jewson was handed a two-year prison sentence on Wednesday -Credit:Cleveland Police

A controlling bully terrorised his then girlfriend with a homemade mace and threatened to kill her cats.

Shane Jewson, 24, subjected his partner to a shocking campaign of abuse from April to September last year. According to the charge, Jewson threatened to kill the woman's cats, slapped her across the face and terrorised her with a medieval weapon.

Teesside Crown Court heard during one incident the woman was forced to hide from the defendant in a bathroom where she was able to contact police.

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The charge states: "Between 1 April 2023 to 4 September 2023 repeatedly or continuously engaged in behaviour which was controlling or coercive, namely

  • Punched holes in walls and threw furniture at walls to intimidate her

  • Took her phone from her when she told him she wanted to leave him

  • Held her in a bear hug and squeezed her, to prevent her from leaving him

  • Threatened to kill himself if she left him

  • In June 2023 threatened to kill her cats

  • Threatened to kill himself if she refused to have sex with him

  • On 31st August 2023 slapped her across the face

  • On 31st August 2023 swung a homemade flail around his head, damaging a cupboard shouting threats, which caused her to hide in the bathroom in fear and contact the police

  • Made numerous unwanted calls and texts to her

The Hartlepool defendant pleaded guilty to the charge and was given credit for his plea. In mitigation, the court heard Jewson had a "difficult start in life" and was in care until 21.

His barrister, Stephen Constantine said: "He would say he needs and wants help. The care system he would tell you can be very harsh and very cruel. He is in a position now where he has settled accommodation and people who are willing to help him. He is someone who is willing to try and better himself."

Sentencing the defendant, Judge Jonathan Carroll said Jewson was "controlling, coercive and bullying" from the beginning of the relationship. He said the defendant has a poor record of relevant offending including violence and domestic violence.

Addressing the defendant, he said: "You have a track history of behaviour, sometimes childish, sometimes petty often threatening, frequently violent or intimidating and emotionally manipulative. These kinds of relationships are massively destructive they cause long-term damaging harm to the confidence and self-esteem of victims.

"Some of your violence or threats of violence involved weapons. It is particularly concerning to read about a homemade mace that you were waving around and threatening causing [name of victim] to believe she or her sister would suffer real and genuine harm."

The Otterpool Close resident was handed a two-year prison sentence.