Burnside Beaver Scouts sink teeth into first overnight adventure camping stay

The Beaver Scouts built dens -Credit:Burnside Scouts
The Beaver Scouts built dens -Credit:Burnside Scouts

Many of the 113th Burnside Beaver Scouts took part in their first overnight stay away from home in an adventure Scout camp.

Over 30 of the group’s Beaver Scouts, who meet in the Scout hallon Crawfurd Road, Burnside, took part in an adventure camp at the Scout outdoor activity centre, Auchengillan, near Blanefield, at the weekend.

The highlight of the weekend was building a den from natural materials and spending a few hours in it, putting up their tents, and taking part in a range of outdoor activities, including pond-dipping and a blindfold assault course, as well as working on challenges towards meeting some of their scout activity badges.

The youngsters, as young as six years old, slept inside the hall, but as they grow, they sleep outside in similar waterproof and dry shelters using the skills they have started to develop.

Group Scout Leader Graeme Hamilton said: “Every year, we make sure all our sections go on at least one overnight trip, and the leaders and parents who give up their weekend to provide a fun programme deserve a huge vote of thanks.

The youngsters loved their first camping experience -Credit:Burnside Scouts
The youngsters loved their first camping experience -Credit:Burnside Scouts

“There’s so much planning behind the scenes as well as organising and cooking food for nearly 50 people over three days.

“For many of the six-year-olds, this was their first overnight away from family and home and they all had a great time.”

Next up is a fresh adventure for the Cub Scout section (eight to eleven-year-olds) who, in June, will be camping in tents for the first time in a few years.

Cub leader Anne Small added: “We are all so excited to be actually camping again and offering a fresh adventure to our cubs.“

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