Burnside Scouts hold green-fingered plant sale attended by hundreds

The Brown Family bought some plants -Credit:Burnside Scouts
The Brown Family bought some plants -Credit:Burnside Scouts

Hundreds attended the 113th Burnside Scouts’ successful plant sale at the weekend.

On Sunday, the event was held attended by over 200 people, including local politicians such as MP Michael Shanks and councillors Margaret Cowie and Robert Brown, at the Scout group’s hall on Crawfurd Road.

Crowds began queuing before the 10am start in the scorching sun for the green-fingered fun day, which had both a bouncy castle and face painting provided by Ace Place Nursery.

Budding gardeners had their attentions caught by Julie Mason’s local craft social enterprise with a range of beautifully crafted and upcycled planters.

Inside, the hall was just as busy with books, well-loved toys and some outdoor clothing being offered for those Scouting adventures in the Scottish wilds in the coming months.

Scouts Lucy, Finlay, Sarah and Nina welcome MP Michael Shanks and Councillor Cowie to the plant sale -Credit:Burnside Scouts
Scouts Lucy, Finlay, Sarah and Nina welcome MP Michael Shanks and Councillor Cowie to the plant sale -Credit:Burnside Scouts

The group’s parents were hugely generous with home baking and that proved a hit with everyone taking time to sit and enjoy a Sunday morning coffee and cake near the art display created by the newly-formed Burnside Art Club.

Group Scout leader Graeme Hamilton said: “Once again, we have shown that the 113th is at the heart of the Burnside Community, bringing everyone together for some fun and, at the same time, raising funds to continue to provide amazing activities all year round for over 200 young people aged four to 18.

“There was such variety here and our hall truly is a magnet for all sorts of great, community activities.”

Next week, the Scouts are leading the Great Burnside Scavenger Hunt as part of Burnside Community Council’s gala day in Stonelaw Woods, starting at 1pm.

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