Call for more transparency over exact nature of archaeological finds as housing protests continue

Residents gathered again to demonstrate their public concern about the Marske housing plans
Residents have gathered again to demonstrate their concerns about the Marske housing plans -Credit:Mike Sidgwick

A councillor spearheading opposition to a major new housing development on greenfield land near Marske says residents are being left in the dark about archaeological finds that have been uncovered.

Councillor Tristan Learoyd said developers needed to “remove the plastic coverings and start disclosing what they have found” on the site south of Marske, off Longbeck Road. Cllr Learoyd also said Miller Homes and Taylor Wimpey had failed to offer any assurances that detailed information would be put into the public domain anytime soon.

A spokeswoman for both firms reiterated that all work had been agreed with an archaeological advisor to the local planning authority, Redcar and Cleveland Council, and was being undertaken in line with a written investigation schedule. It was previously reported that Romano-British pottery, animal bones and flint tools had been discovered, although a full excavation has not been carried out.

Redcar-based archaeologist Dr Kendra Quinn, who is supporting a continued campaign by residents concerned over the housing plans, said there was evidence of a “vast” Roman settlement of an “unprecedented” size when compared with anything else in the area. Another protest was held at the weekend on the boundary to the site, which was attended by about 50 people with some carrying a banner which said ‘Save Our History’.

Cllr Learoyd, who represents the St Germain’s ward in Marske on the council, said: "Residents and ward councillors are completely reliant on amateur drone footage and the kind assistance of Dr Quinn to be able to understand some of what is happening on site.” He also suggested that plans were afoot for two new show homes aimed at showcasing the development.

Part of the site being examined by archaeologists pictured from the air
Part of the site being examined by archaeologists pictured from the air -Credit:Karl Steanson

Earlier this year Dr Quinn made an application to the body Historic England in order to seek designation of the land in question as a nationally important site. She previously said the site was too valuable to be built on and could provide clues about life in Marske going back 2,000 years.

If successful, the formal scheduling would mean consent would be needed from the Secretary of State before further development. The application remains under consideration with Cllr Learoyd stating a decision was expected later in the year.

The spokeswoman for the Taylor Wimpey and Miller Homes consortium said: “We are awaiting the outcome of Historic England’s investigation into whether our site at Marske meets the criteria to become a scheduled monument.

“Whilst we await this decision, we would like to reassure local residents that the archaeological investigations already underway have been considered and agreed with the archaeological advisor to the local authority, with additional input from Historic England. Areas of archaeological investigation will be signed off by the relevant bodies in phases and construction work will not begin until we are advised that investigations in these areas are complete.”

In a separate statement issued to the BBC, the developers said: "The archaeology team are working through the site in a structured manner which sometimes requires some of the excavated areas to be put on hold whilst other areas are worked on. Some of the site has been covered in plastic sheeting to protect it from the weather."

The development for 812 homes first received outline planning permission in 2017 after an appeal with so-called reserved matters fleshing out aspects of the scheme being approved by the council last year.

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