Calls to push back 2024 European Union fingerprint and face ID entry system
The House of Lords has voiced concerns regarding the planned introduction of a new Electronic Border Management System (EBS) which is set to require Brits to submit fingerprint and facial recognition technology in order to enter the EU.
The Entry/Exit System (EES), scheduled to come into action by late 2024, has been the subject of an inquiry led by The Justice and Home Affairs Committee which has expressed alarm over potential disruption the measures could cause at airports, ports, and railway terminals.
The EES plans also stipulate that each application via the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) process must be supervised directly by a European border official. This method, the committee argued, is likely to result in severe logistical delays until technology, such as a dedicated smartphone app which would allow travellers to upload necessary information before travel, has improved and can alleviate some of the pressure on border control.
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In direct response to the findings of the inquiry, committee chair Lord Foster of Bath penned a letter to Tom Pursglove, Minister for Legal Migration and the Border. In this he appealed to "encourage the EU to delay the introduction of the EES until a smartphone application for pre-registration is ready".
Lord Foster of Bath expressed his concerns, stating: "We are concerned about the pace of change given the current inadequacies in the information being made, the potential disruption if the ETA for EU citizens and the EU's own EES are introduced at the same time, and the lack of time to make changes in the light of experience from early stages of the rollout process."
He further added, "We are not convinced that transit passengers should require an ETA, not least because of the significant economic impact it will have on Heathrow. The pace of change could undermine public confidence in border management."
Highlighting the need for readiness and communication, he said, "The Government, Border Force and the public need to be ready and these changes need to be communicated as a priority. We have seen major disruption at Dover and Kent when there are delays at the border, and long queues at airports when systems are down. Planning for a gradual and well co-ordinated implementation of the new schemes is vital to ensure similar chaos at our borders is avoided."
In response, a government spokesperson assured, "We will continue to work closely with the EU and member states, as well as wider stakeholders including global carriers and ports, to minimise any impact of the upcoming changes."