The Cambridgeshire roads being repaired this year

Road reconstruction projects are taking place across Cambridgeshire to fix problems caused by peat soil
Road reconstruction projects are taking place across Cambridgeshire to fix problems caused by peat soil -Credit:Cambs County Council

Cambridgeshire County Council has announced the roads it will repair this year as it tackles "significant and increasing" problems caused by peat soil. The council said it has identified 156 roads affected by the issue.

The roads, many in rural areas, are particularly vulnerable to extended periods of hot, cold, and wet weather because peat soil expands and contract - leading to cracking and bending in the road surface. In some cases the reconstruction work will see "stabilisation grids" fitted to give structure and manage movement caused by the peat under the road.

Last month work started on the A1101 Bates Drove in Littleport, which is due to be completed by May 9. Contractors are recycling the existing road into the new by re-using excavated material to form new layers.

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Cllr Neil Shailer, vice-chair of Highways and Transport Committee at Cambridgeshire County Council, said: “Climate change and extreme weather is taking a huge toll on our soil affected roads. There are a significant and increasing number of roads affected, we have identified a total of 156 roads.

“This is just the beginning and I’m pleased that not only are we starting to tackle soil affected roads as part of our highways investment, we’re also doing this in a way that means we’re being as environmentally sustainable as possible, reducing our carbon emissions and therefore, the impact on our climate.

“We will continue to do what we can locally to maintain and keep these roads safe. However, we believe we’ll need around £300m to fully address this national issue, extra investment is desperately needed, and we need support from our local MPs and government to tackle this issue properly."

The council says it will put £43m over the next two years into highways. This will include pothole repairs, improved drainage, preventative work on the roads, footpaths and cycleways including soil affected roads.

A total of £5m was committed in its budget to deal with soil affected roads.

Which roads will be fixed next?

Work on the A10 at Milton and the A141 Fenland Way in Chatteris were completed last year. Between now and next year, the council says it will focus on another nine locations, including:

  • A1123 Hill Row Causeway

  • A603 Cambridge Road

  • B1050 Shelfords Road

  • B1049 Twenty Pence Road

It said general maintenance work will be carried out at the same time such as vegetation clearance, drainage, signage, and road markings.