Cambridgeshire voters say housing and immigration key issues as General Election looms

Cambridgeshire voters say housing and immigration key issues as General Election looms

Cambridgeshire voters said housing and immigration are key issues they will consider for the General Election on Thursday (July 4). CambridgeshireLive went to Cambridge city centre to ask what people think is important as they decide who to vote for – or whether to vote at all.

One couple from St Ives said 'mass immigration' was a key concern for them. The woman said: "There should be a limit on it, it's just ridiculous as it is at the minute."

Her husband added: "I think people who arrive here should be documented. We should know who they are, where they came from, whether they've committed any crimes in their country. It seems a reasonable thing to expect."

He said they were concerned their children would never be able to afford to buy a house. "It's difficult to get an appointment at the doctors and the dentists," he added.

A lady from Swaffham Bulbeck said she had already voted by post. She said: "I don't like to see the country in such a state, because nothing seems to be working. I don't like the way the sewage is going into the rivers, that is a big thing for me, and things don't seem tidy."

One couple said immigration was a key concern for them
One couple said immigration was a key concern for them -Credit:Cait Findlay/Siobhan Middleton

She added that she was concerned about child poverty and the increasing number of food banks. "Food banks shouldn't be needed, and breakfast clubs for children," she said.

"There's things with both parents working hard and they can't afford the necessities for their children. I don't see how it can be sorted but I really hope it can."

A man who did not wish to be filmed said: "I've seen them come, I've seen them go — it doesn't make any difference. I can't get enthused like I did when I was younger."