Cameron Rules Out Reducing The Voting Age

Prime Minister David Cameron has ruled out lowering the current voting age of 18.

In an interview with Sky News' Political Editor Faisal Islam, Mr Cameron denied he was "scared" of giving 16 and 17-year-olds the vote.

"I'm not scared of it," the PM insisted, "I just think that 18 is the right age for majority and the right age to vote.

"Voting is an enormous privilege and a right, but it's a right you should get at 18."

Mr Cameron continued: "I think the reason the Scottish referendum took fire, wasn't because of votes for 16 year olds, it was because it was such a massive question about the future of our country.

"I think the next election will be a massive question about the future of our country ... forward with the Conservatives or back to square one with Labour - that's a pretty big question."

For the first time in British politics, 16- and 17-year-olds were allowed to have their say in the vote over the Scottish referendum held on 18 September.

The apparent success of the policy has prompted a call for the voting age to be cut in UK elections as a whole.

Young people involved in Sky News' Stand Up Be Counted back a change.

Would-be voter Emma said on SUBC : "It would help to engage more youth in politics, whether it's following David Cameron on Twitter or having Newsnight on in the background as they do their homework."

Govomt calls for young people to back the campaign for a change, saying: "Engage, empower and inspire!"

CharOsuagwu said: "Regardless of your age, you should have the right to vote."

Labour leader Ed Miliband has already pledged to lower the voting age if his party wins next year's General Election.