How Canada’s flourishing far-right movement is fuelling violent Islamophobia
Evening prayers had just ended at the Quebec mosque when Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, primed his semi-automatic rifle and opened fire at two Muslim men. The gun quickly jammed, so Bissonnette pulled out a pistol – killing four more men and critically injuring five others in under two minutes.
Over 600 miles away in Ontario, a Muslim family were on an evening stroll when Nathaniel Veltman, 20, floored the gas pedal of his pickup truck and rammed into them at full speed. A grandmother, two parents, and a teenager were killed – the only survivor was a nine-year-old boy.
These two separate attacks occurred in 2017 and 2021, while Veltman was given five life sentences this month. While both have been condemned as terror incidents, they have another fact in common – both Bissonnette and Veltman were supporters of Canada’s far-right movement.
This stark reality deeply contrasts the progressive, multicultural image that Canada has cultivated on the world stage. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has relentlessly promoted his country as a beacon of inclusivity and opportunity that remains open to all – going so far as to announce plans to welcome half a million immigrants per year by 2025.
Yet in flinging open Canada’s doors, the prime minister has neglected to weed out the deep-rooted resistance that has rapidly been gaining ground within his borders.
Bissonnette’s internet search history revealed he was an avid follower of numerous radical right-wing figures, and in the days before carrying out his attack, he repeatedly visited the Twitter feed of Donald Trump, who had recently imposed a controversial Muslim entry ban on his borders.
Veltman had gone so far as to write his own far-right manifesto called ‘A White Awakening’, and later told detectives that he left his home on the day of the attack “looking for Muslims to kill”, citing the Christchurch mosque shootings as his inspiration.
Canada’s far-right movement has long been linked to incidents of anti-Muslim hate, but in recent years, violent Islamophobia has reached a disturbing and unprecedented level. A 2023 senate report reveals that Canada leads the G7 in terms of targeted killings of Muslims motivated by Islamophobia, with one in four Canadians not trusting Muslims.
Islamist terrorism is not unheard of in Canada, yet in cases where the perpetrator is known, only 15 per cent of domestic attacks since 9/11 have been inspired by Jihadi extremists. Despite these low numbers, the distrust runs deep.
“Islamophobia is truly systematic within Canadian society – the numbers speak for themselves,” says Senator Salma Ataullahjan, author of the report. “Our country is not immune to what happens around the world. These acts of extreme violence have been increasing for some time.”
No longer a ‘fringe’ movement
Dr Barbara Perry, a Canadian far-right hate crime researcher, explains that right-wing extremism has been bubbling beneath the country’s surface for decades – yet in the past five years, it has erupted.
“The far-right movement is not a new phenomenon in Canada. But recently, there’s consistently anywhere from 25 per cent to 35 per cent of Canadians who respond negatively to changing demographics, and the ‘risk’ posed by Muslims,” she says.
“There’s a real gap between perception and reality when it comes to how the world views our country. We are one of the most multicultural nations on the planet, but that narrative of inclusion only goes so far. Non-white and non-Christian immigration is not welcomed by everyone.”
Canada’s growing incidents of violent Islamophobia are rooted in the perceived loss of the “European white Christian identity” and the feeling of being “under siege by outsiders”. Trudeau has long dismissed these radical views as a fringe movement, yet these beliefs are becoming increasingly normalised, especially since Trump came into power south of the border.
“In 2015, before Trump’s electoral win, there were about 100 active Canadian far-right groups. Over the course of his administration, 325 groups were active at one time or another, and that number has kept on growing,” says Dr Perry.
This increase is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore, especially when looking at Canada’s most deadly terror attacks – both carried out by white nationalists who shared the same Islamophobic agenda.
“If you look at [Veltman’s] narrative, he was very explicit that he had to preserve Canada’s national identity. [Bissonnette] talked about the need to protect his family because he believed Muslims posed an inherent danger.
“In both cases, they bought into the ‘Great Replacement Theory’, which claims there is a white genocide afoot, and that the Canadian government is complicit in this attempt to overrun white Christian Canadians by enhancing the immigration of black and brown Muslims,” Dr Perry explains.
Institutional injustice
Despite Trudeau’s progressive efforts, these radical beliefs are proliferating across the country at a dangerous pace. According to Statistics Canada, the number of police-reported hate crimes targeting Muslims has increased 71 per cent since 2020.
Yet police-reported data fails to paint a complete picture of anti-Muslim violence.
Ataullahjan’s report states only 1 per cent of Islamophobic hate crimes are brought forward to law enforcement. Charges are laid in only a fraction of those cases, and convictions are even fewer.
Surveys of Canadian police officers detail rampant racism and a reluctance to take hate-motivated crimes seriously. Many officers, both young and old, view Islamophobia as a distraction or a political issue, rather than a serious law enforcement responsibility.
“When Muslims say they don’t want to report hate crimes to law enforcement, it’s because they feel that the police won’t take them seriously. Thousands of people don’t make complaints because of police inaction. It’s a great injustice to the country that we live in, which claims to treat us all equally,” says Ataullahjan.
National sense of denial
This sense of marginalisation has left many Muslims feeling betrayed by their country. Trudeau’s platform of multiculturalism is ultimately what won him the election, yet violent Islamophobia has only gained ground during his time as prime minister.
“When [Stephen] Harper lost the election to Trudeau in 2015, one of the main things that defeated him was his anti-Muslim rhetoric. Harper drove the anti-immigrant piece, but Canadians didn’t embrace it at the time. Trudeau was much better at espousing the multicultural promise, which is largely why he won,” Dr Perry explains.
“So it’s a real wake-up call for Muslims when they’re the targets of hate crimes. They feel like they’ve been deceived, and their illusions of Canada are shattered.”
Canada’s facade of inclusion isn’t limited to its Muslim population – its history of marginalisation has disproportionately affected Indigenous communities for centuries. Unbeknown to much of the world, a culture of extreme violence against Indigenous women and girls, amounting to “genocide”, has become deeply entrenched in Canadian society.
Researchers have reported that Indigenous women are 16 times more likely to be murdered or missing than Caucasian women, and are three times more likely to be sexually assaulted or raped. Additionally, the number of police-reported anti-Indigenous hate crimes has jumped 166 per cent since 2019.
Canada’s “national sense of denial” has allowed perpetrators to continue to target Indigenous and Muslim populations with limited fear of detection, prosecution, and penalty – and so the cycle continues.
‘White people can also be terrorists’
The hand-in-hand proliferation of both violent Islamophobia and Canada’s far-right movement is hard to argue as a coincidence, yet the country remains in a state of denial about the connection – especially when it comes to its leaders.
“In the wake of Bissonnette and Veltman’s terrorist attacks, Trudeau has never ever come out and said, ‘I condemn white supremacist groups as Islamophobic groups.’ There’s no understanding that both of these killers were firmly embedded in white nationalism. Canadians just think that they were two crazy guys who were Islamophobic,” Dr Perry explains.
“The inability and unwillingness of our political leaders to express the threat of the far-right movement limits our broader understanding of the problem. How can we fight it if we can’t even name it?”
For decades, this sense of national denial has allowed Canada to fly under the radar when it comes to right-wing extremism. Yet the country’s levels of Islamophobic violence have now reached a boiling point, and without action, they threaten to reach new extremes.
“Just like we expect Muslims to stand up and condemn Muslim-related terrorism, all Canadians need to stand up and condemn right-wing extremism, using the correct language,” says Dr Perry.
“This form of terrorism is undeniable. You would have to be willfully blind to not be able to see outside the very small box of ‘Islamist terrorism’. White people can also be terrorists.”
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