Canary Islands' tourist hotspots to be hit by fresh wave of protests

Canary islands protesting about overtourism on the island
-Credit: (Image: (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster))

The Canary Islands are bracing for a fresh wave of protests as locals rally against the effects of overtourism, with the Express uncovering plans for targeted demonstrations in popular tourist spots.

Back in April, a staggering 120,000 residents flooded the streets of Tenerife, calling for action to mitigate the impact of visitors on the Spanish archipelago.

Wielding placards with messages like "Tourism is killing the Canary Islands" islanders expressed to the Express their concerns about safety and the loss of cultural identity due to the surge of tourists.

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While protest leaders clarified their stance isn't anti-tourist, they emphasised the need for measures to ease the financial burden on natives, as rent and living costs soar.

Exclusive comments from environmental group ATAN to the Express highlighted frustration over the local government's inaction, prompting renewed protests, reports the Express.

"Nothing has changed," ATAN's statement read. "On the contrary, they have deepened their overdevelopment-focused and predatory model of the territory, which they have perpetuated for decades."

In a strategic shift from earlier protests centred around Santa Cruz, the upcoming actions will confront the issue in the heart of tourist hotspots such as Playa de Las Americas, a favourite among British holiday-goers.

"We will take to the streets in the very heart of this overdevelopment model: the tourist areas," ATAN declared, signalling a direct approach to their activism.

"In the meantime, we urge people to continue fighting from every corner of the islands against this unjust model that is destroying our lives and our territory. Let us once again set an example and reclaim what is ours, with strength and dignity: the Canary Islands have a limit, and it continues to be disrespected."

The protest group claims that the Canarian government has consistently dismissed measures they believe could tackle the issues arising from overtourism. These include restrictions on non-residents buying property, an eco-tax, a halt on tourism, and stopping projects that breach environmental rules.

The group has issued a stern warning to the government, stating that if their demands are ignored, their protests will escalate.

"To the Government of the Canary Islands, island councils, municipalities, tourism lobby and others benefiting from the islands' situation, we warn you: you will not silence us, and our protests will only intensify if immediate measures are not taken to stop the profound environmental and social deterioration in the Canary Islands," they added.

The dates for future protests are yet to be confirmed.

The Canary Islands' government has been approached for a response.