This Cancer Symptom Can Be Spotted First Thing In The Morning

There are more than 200 types of cancer, according to Cancer Research UK and because of that, it can be difficult to pin down consistent symptoms that could be signs of cancer. All cancers are different and all symptoms vary.

However, there is one symptom that is consistent within several cancers and it can be very easily spotted first thing in the morning: night sweats. Night sweats aren’t just sweating throughout the night, they involve sweating so much that your hair, body, and sheets are soaked upon waking, according to the NHS.

Cancers that cause night sweats 

Of course, it’s important to remember that night sweats can indicate many illnesses and can also be a very unfortunate side effect to medications. However, night sweats are a symptom of several cancers, especially combined with fever and unexplained weight loss. 

These cancers are:

  • Lymphoma (non-Hodgkins and Hodgkins)

  • Leukaemia

  • Carcinoid tumours 

  • Adrenal system tumours

  • Liver cancer

If you are experiencing night sweats, it’s important to speak with your doctor, even if you have no other concerning symptoms. Your doctor can rule out any potential diseases as well as providing medication to help you manage the night sweats.

How to manage night sweats

The most important thing is speaking to your doctor but until your night sweats are treated, knowing how to help yourself might improve your sleep in the meantime. The Sleep Foundation recommends the following steps for tackling night sweats:

  • Sleep in a cooler bedroom. While night sweats aren’t usually caused by a warm bedroom, keeping the room cooler could help prevent triggers and heat building up around your body overnight.

  • Invest in a cooling mattress or even a cooling mattress pad to give your body a head-start with cooling down overnight.

  • Use lightweight, breathable bed sheets to prevent moisture build-up. Also,m invest in a lighter duvet if your current one is thick and heavy

  • Wear loose, breathable clothes to bed. Tight clothing traps moisture and allows for build-up.
