All the candidates in the running to be the next Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Three PCC candidates, Edna Murphy, Darryl Preston, and Anna Smith.
The three candidates standing to be the next Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner. From left to right, Edna Murphy, Darryl Preston, and Anna Smith. -Credit:Left image credit: Cambridgeshire County Council. Middle image credit: Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Right image credit: LDRS

The candidates standing to be the next Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner have now been announced. Three people have put their names forward for the regional role. The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) election is due to take place on Thursday, May 2, the same day as the council elections are due to be held.

People across Cambridgeshire are eligible to vote for who they would like the next PCC to be. The role of the elected PCC is to hold the Chief Constable and the county’s police force to account. They are also expected to work in partnership across a range of agencies, both regionally and nationally, to make sure there is a coordinated approach to preventing and reducing crime.

The current Cambridgeshire PCC, Darryl Preston, for the Conservative Party, is standing for re-election. Edna Helen Murphy, for the Liberal Democrats, is also standing in the PCC election. She is currently a councillor at Cambridgeshire County Council, and chairs the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority.

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Anna Smith, for the Labour and Co-operative Party, is the other candidate standing in the election. She is currently a councillor at Cambridge City Council, and is the deputy mayor at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. People voting in the PCC election will be asked to show an accepted form of photo ID when casting their vote. Anyone without photo ID can apply for a voter authority certificate to use instead, but will need to do so before the deadline on April 24.