Capybaras Take a Walk Through Brazilian Neighborhood

A herd of capybaras surprised a woman in Brasilia recently, as they walked in single file down the street outside her house.

Video of the nighttime visit was captured by Luciana Castello Branco Rangel, who told Storyful that she saw the capybaras after her dog woke up in the night and ran to the balcony.

Rangel said she’d never seen them walking in a line like that. Credit: Luciana Castello Branco Rangel via Storyful

Video transcript

E na srie Capivara em fila indiana.

Essa a novidade.

Boa noite Dana Cava, oi, ai, oi!

E parou todo o mundo!

Parou, oi, pode continuar, boa noite do mundo, todo mundo vai hum cachorra e voltou todo mundo!

Vamos embora ficar em dvida.