Car crashes into skip after 6th collision in 5 months on residential road in Beeston

White Hyundai car on pavement in front of skip in Beeston, with orange cones blocking acess to road on left and people surrounding car and stood outside house on right including two police officers in hi-vis jackets
The crash was the sixth in the area since the start of 2024, Councillor Carr said -Credit:Councillor Steve Carr

A councillor says he is coming to the end of his tether over repeated accidents in his ward. Steve Carr, Broxtowe Independent councillor for Beeston North, on Broxtowe Borough Council, says there has been six car crashes in just five months on Abbey Road and Marlborough Road.

Police were called to the scene after the latest crash on Friday, May 17. Pictures show police officers talking to people on the street and others gathered nearby, with a white Hyundai car with damage to its side visible on the pavement having seemingly crashed into a skip on the driveway of a home.

Action has already been taken by councillors to try and mitigate speeding on the roads in the suburb, which are perpendicular to each other and have speed limits of 30mph. The latest, in the form of red "SLOW" signs on lampposts, have only been in place for two weeks, with the rest having been there for years.

Cllr Carr said: "We've put in speed humps, a different coloured carriageway, slow markings on all approaches, yellow-back signs and we've just put up bright red slow markers on the lampposts. Yet people are still going and causing accidents."

Police car blocking Abbey Road in Beeston, with speed bumps visible in the foreground, red slow signs on lamppost on right, give way signs visible at junction with Marlborough Road and other people on pavement on right, left and sitting in boot of blue car behind pollice car
Police attended the scene at around 1.20pm on Friday, May 17, next to red 'stop' signs which have only been installed for two weeks -Credit:Councillor Steve Carr

He also confirmed that a speedwatch is due to be implemented in Bramcote and Beeston once a risk assessment has taken place involving police. Abbey Road and Marlborough Road are two of the roads that Cllr Carr hopes will be monitored.

Even more is planned, with interactive signs that light up when cars approach set to be installed and a raised plateau, where the level of the road lifts up, in the design process according to the councillor. The latter will take "some time" to implement, however, with a cost of around £250,000.

Cllr Carr said: "We can't keep going on having accidents at this rate. I'm pushing for change." Police shut Abbey Road, where Marlborough Road crosses it, for a short while on Friday, May 17, using cones, while a clean-up operation took place. The road later re-opened.