Carrie and Boris Johnson welcome birth of third child

Carrie and Boris Johnson welcome birth of third child

Former prime minister Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie have welcomed their third child.

Frank Alfred Odysseus Johnson is the couple’s first child born since Mr Johnson left Downing Street last year after losing the confidence of his Conservative Party.

Sharing a picture of herself cradling the baby on Instagram, Mrs Johnson, a 35-year-old environmental campaigner and former Tory Party adviser, wrote: “A week of Frankie.”

“Welcome to the world Frank Alfred Odysseus Johnson born 5th July at 9.15am.

(Can you guess which name my husband chose?!)

“Am loving every minute of the sleepy baby bubble. Seeing my older two embrace their new brother with such joy and excitement has been the most wonderful thing to see. We are all very smitten,” she wrote.

“Thank you so much to the incredible NHS maternity team at UCLH. They really are the most amazing, caring people. I feel such immense gratitude.

“Now, can anyone recommend any good series/box sets to binge while breastfeeding?

“Time for a drink”.

The former prime minister, who is proud of his classical education, is known for peppering his speeches with references to figures from Greek and Roman history and mythology.

Odysseus, one of the most famous figures of Greek mythology, is the hero of the Homer’s epic poem the Odyssey.

Mrs Johnson cradles daughter Romy as she listens to her husband resigns as Conservative Party leader in 2022
Mrs Johnson cradles daughter Romy as she listens to her husband resigns as Conservative Party leader in 2022 (PA)

A son, from Mr Johnson’s previous marriage to the lawyer Marina Wheeler, is named Theodore Apollo Johnson after the Greek and Roman god.

Mr and Mrs Johnson had their first child, Wilfred, on April 29 2020, in the early months of the Covid-19 crisis.

They married in May 2021 at Westminster Cathedral, with daughter Romy born on December 9 in the same year.

Mr Johnson, 59, now has eight children, although he has frequently obfuscated when asked exactly how many.

He is known to have four children with his ex-wife Marina Wheeler and a child, born in 2009, as a result of an affair with art consultant Helen Macintyre.