Casino opens doors in High Street

Trident Casino Slots in Poole High Street. <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Trident Casino Slots in Poole High Street. (Image: Newsquest)

A NEW casino has opened its doors in Poole High Street.

Trident Casino Slots has opened at 106 High Street in the former Cashino site.

Plans to put up new signage at the site were approved by BCP Council officers on June 20.

J. Holland and Sons Ltd, trading as Trident Gaming, applied in May to the council to put up the new signage at the former bank.

The bank was converted into an adult gaming centre in 2010.

A planning statement submitted to the council by the applicant said: “The Applicant owns 106 High Street, Poole which is a casino previously run by a different operator.

(Image: Newsquest)

“The applicant is a well-established amusement and gaming arcade operator with sites throughout the south and south-west of England.

“The current application seeks to install replaced signage in lieu. The new signs are of a similar style and scale, but would not be illuminated.”

A planning officer said in the case officer’s report that the building was locally listed and located within a conservation area.

The report said: “The Conservation Officer assessed the proposal and advised to omit the large vertical sign as it would be excessive due to its large size and finishing materials.

“This sign has been omitted from the proposal as amended plans have been received.

“In addition, the Conservation Officer has advised that the other signs - above the main entrance, would be acceptable due to their steel finishing material and as they would be non-illuminated.

“Therefore, taking into account the siting, design and size of the proposal it would not materially harm appearance of the locally listed building and due to mixture of advertisement present in the area would preserve the character and appearance of the Town Centre Heritage Conservation Area.”

As reported last year, the business also applied to open a casino centre in The Dolphin shopping centre.

However, plans were refused after they were met by more than 50 objections, including from Legal and General, the owners of the shopping centre, who told the Daily Echo that they would not progress with the application.

The business currently runs Trident Casino Slots in Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth.