Cat Got Your... Tooth? Family Feline Helps Remove Child's Loose Incisor

The parents of a North Carolina girl with a loose front tooth employed the help of their family cat to tackle the issue, with the successful experiment being caught on camera.

Jacob Fields of Forsyth County filmed the moment his five-year-old daughter, Indra, felt her loose tooth being removed thanks to the family’s cat, Gramps.

A fishing line had been tied around Indra’s tooth, with the other end of the line attached to a small vest being worn by the feline.

Indra’s mother, Desiree Moffitt, told Storyful that Indra “asked to have the cat pull out her tooth, so this was her idea.”

However, all did not initially go smoothly, with “three failed attempts” prior to getting it right.

Moffitt also filmed the moment Gramps gamboled away with the tooth, and said her daughter was “shocked because she assumed it would fail again.” Credit: Jacob Fields via Storyful

Video transcript

- You're OK. This is your tooth, sweet girl.

- Hey, it didn't come off when I did that.

- Cat's right. It get charged up, cat.

- OK.

- All right, baby, stand back.

- Stand back because I'm going to start the uh--

- Vacuum.

- What? Vacuum's right. All right, 3, 2.



- Damn, bruh!


- You're OK. This is your tooth, sweet girl.

- Hey, it didn't come off when I did that.

- Cat's right. It got to get charged up, cat.

- OK.

- All right, baby, stand back.

- Stand back, because I'm going to start the, uh--

- Vacuum.

- What? Vacuum's right. All right. 3, 2.



- Damn, bruh!