Cathedral Quarter Trust submits objections to renewed Tribeca project plans

North Street, Belfast and the Garfield Buildings
-Credit: (Image: Steven McAuley/McAuley Multimedia)

A charitable trust representing a number of groups in the Cathedral Quarter area of Belfast city centre have submitted an objection to a renewed planning application for the controversial Tribeca project.

No development has taken place as part of the project, which first received planning permission from Belfast City Council in 2017. The plans have been submitted by Castlebrooke Investments.

The Cathedral Quarter Trusts has penned a letter to Belfast City Council’s Planning Department outlining its objections to the project.

READ MORE: Belfast Council to look at "possibility of vesting" stalled Tribeca development

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“As the organisation charged with protecting, promoting, and enhancing Belfast’s Cathedral


Quarter, the Trust cannot stand on the sidelines and allow one developer to dictate the pace and type of development, or non-development, within this important area,” the letter states.

“It is a matter of record that since the first planning applications were originally granted in 2017, no development whatsoever has taken place. Rather than a programme of managed development, there has been further dereliction throughout this 12-acre space.

“Indeed, some of the most treasured buildings in Belfast are now in danger of being rendered permanently unusable. This course of inaction will continue to intensify and spread the existing economic blight throughout this most historic part of our city.”

The letter from the group’s chair goes on to state that passing the renewed planning application would be an ‘acceptance’ from the local council that ‘dereliction is the permitted policy of the day’.

“Regrettably as with many others who have a vested interest in the Cathedral Quarter and share a genuine desire to see appropriate development of this space, the Cathedral Quarter Trust is forced to conclude that the current owner, Castlebrooke Investments, has no intention of beginning work to deliver on the planning permission it received in 2017.


“If Belfast City Council simply renews Castlebrooke’s planning application after seven years of inaction, this suggests an acceptance that the Cathedral Quarter will not be developed, and that dereliction is the permitted policy of the day.”

The renewed application from Castlebrooke was received by the council in March of this year, and includes plans for new mixed use developments including retail units, restaurants and cafes, residential units, offices, church and related community floor space, new streets and public realm works. The plans also include the demolition of a number of buildings on North Street and Royal Avenue.

Castlebrooke has said that it has invested £40 million into Belfast City Centre since 2016 and that it is frustrated by delays to its scheme, which it says is caused by a lack of public sector support for its purchase of the B&M Bargains building on Rosemary Street.

A spokesperson for Castlebrooke said: "We have made a sustained effort over a number of years to implement this permission. This has not been possible because we do not own the B&M building on Rosemary Street, which is essential to implement the planning permission.

"Public sector support to acquire this building has not been forthcoming and the permission has lapsed.


"We have continued to invest in Belfast over the last seven years and have completed over 120 transactions, concluding our site assembly in March 2024, with the exception of the B&M building. In light of changes to demand and trends in city centre uses after the coronavirus>Covid pandemic, we are reviewing our plans as we continue to work to deliver a high-quality development on our site."

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