CBeebies Cause Turmoil By Playing The Wrong Bedtime Song

Anybody who has young children will understand just how important a routine is and for many babies and toddlers up and down the country, CBeebies plays a vital role in this.

Now, we’re not saying that all kids are plonked in front of the telly for hours on end but their bedtime hour has been widely praised by exhausted parents for helping prepare their little ones for bed.

In case you’re completely unaware, it kicks off at 6pm, and features children’s-favourite ‘In The Night Garden’ followed by a bedtime story and - most importantly - the 'Goodnight Song’ at 7pm…

…So imagine the turmoil when 7pm rolled around and the channel played the wrong song, sending expectant tots into meltdown.

Perhaps more awkwardly for parents, the song that was actually played, 'Goodnight Sun’, usually airs at 6pm - leaving children to believe that there was still a good hour to go before bedtime.

Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long before parents’ took to Twitter to complain about the mishap and whilst many were joking about the distress that it had caused there were a couple of genuinely peeved mums and dads who were less-than-impressed with the interruption to their carefully planned routine:

CBeebies themselves made light of the situation on their own Twitter page, responding to followers with: “We’ll have words in the morning. Get the P45 pad…!”

Here’s hoping that it doesn’t happen again tonight, eh?