CCTV released as Coventry taxi driver is 'seriously assaulted'

Police have released CCTV after a taxi driver has been seriously assaulted. Shortly after 9.30pm on April 29, the cabbie picked up a man at Coventry train station, before driving on towards Bennetts Road South.

Just before the end of the journey, the man attacked the driver, hitting him in the back and chest a number of times and demanding money. The driver managed to escape, though he was left with arm and chest injuries, and the man who attacked him fled the scene, police said.

Police say they are looking to speak to the man in the CCTV image as they believe he may have information which could help with their enquiries.

Anyone who recognises him is asked to contact Coventry Police on 101 or on LiveChat, quoting crime number 20/446120/24.