Centre4 unveils new look after undergoing huge transformation

Architects, directors and members of the community at the Centre4 event -Credit:Centre4
Architects, directors and members of the community at the Centre4 event -Credit:Centre4

More than 150 people arrived on Saturday to catch the first glimpse of the newly transformed Welcome Space at Centre4 in Grimsby.

Following an extensive renovation, the popular community hub on Nunsthorpe's Wootton Road has had its reception desk replaced by a barista coffee zone and several seating areas. Visitors to the centre will be welcomed by a team of dedicated advisers and can relax in a modern and welcoming environment.

Grimsby Town FC footballer Charles Vernam opened the transformed centre, where The Canopy has set up shop. Having served the people of the East Marsh for the last year in Grant Thorold Park, the coffee shop has now expanded to also serve refreshments to residents in Nunsthorpe at Centre4, as The Canopy Kitchen.


Funded by FCC Communities Foundation and Bridges to cater to the surge in service user numbers, the renovation will also see TV monitors installed around the hub within weeks to give people information about the help and support available and the activities taking place at the centre.

As summer approaches, the Welcome Space also opens up into a courtyard with gardens and plants cared for by local community groups.

The Canopy Kitchen has launched in Centre4 -Credit:Centre4
The Canopy Kitchen has launched in Centre4 -Credit:Centre4

Volunteer Peter has been part of the centre for several years, and said the hub has helped him cope with loneliness and isolation. “It’s been a real lifeline for me and I’ve been turning up to stop me from becoming stuck in my ways and alone," he said.

"Anything that needs doing I’ll do, from sweeping and maintenance to other things. This new space is brilliant and I’ll find it more welcoming to sit and have a cuppa after I’ve done the jobs."

Ian has volunteered at the centre for several years -Credit:Centre4
Ian has volunteered at the centre for several years -Credit:Centre4

Chief Executive Tracey Good said: “It became clear that the existing set-up had become outdated, and wasn’t helping direct people to the right support, activity or service quickly enough.

"Sometimes, people coming through our doors aren’t sure what they need and that means they could be waiting longer than they would like or end up with a service that’s not quite right. We needed to change that so that rapid support could be delivered by a wider, expert team.

The event attracted an array of people -Credit:Centre4
The event attracted an array of people -Credit:Centre4

“Not only that, the entire ground floor waiting area had become tired and wasn’t right for people who want their local community centre to simply be a place to relax, chat, or perhaps use a computer and have a coffee. This enables people to do just that.”

The renovation coincides with other major projects taking place at Centre4, including the construction of a multi-million pound youth centre to help young people in the area. Parts of the building damaged by a fire in August 2023 are also almost ready to reopen after extensive repairs.