Give change a chance: Liverpool Echo says vote Labour

Give Change a Chance: The Liverpool Echo says vote Labour
-Credit: (Image: Colin Lane/Liverpool Echo)

Endorsing Labour was not a decision taken lightly. The Liverpool Echo has always been a political publication reflecting our readers’ priorities and values. But we’ve never been party political. Our role is to champion our amazing city region and to tell the stories of its remarkable people. Sadly, 14 years of Tory rule have not been kind to Merseyside nor to its people. So today we are urging you, our readers, to Give Change a Chance and vote Labour.

Why? Because we need a government committed to restoring balance to a divided country with a renewed focus on the ordinary people who have suffered most during so many years of austerity. And we need a government which recognises Merseyside’s potential, matches its ambition and offers us a fair deal.


Liverpool has suffered more than most when it comes to the austerity agenda dictated from Westminster and Whitehall. Our city council has lost around half a billion pounds impacting on its ability to deliver services so badly needed in our communities, many of which suffer real deprivation. It is a similar story throughout our region.

A new government must address the crisis in local government providing stability and long-term funding so councils such as Liverpool can play a more proactive role in people’s lives. And we know what good local services mean to our communities. They mean better prospects for our children, far too many of them growing up in poverty right now. They mean better health outcomes for our residents rather than the falling life expectancy of today. And they mean better life chances for the people of this incredible city region who have so much to offer.


During lockdown we clapped our NHS workers and thanked them for their selfless service in unprecedented times. How soon our politicians have forgotten. Our under-pressure hospitals and GP practices, once a beacon of excellence, are struggling to cope. Patients queuing on trolleys for emergency treatment, others facing interminable waits for appointments, tests and operations whilst patients desperate to be discharged are stranded due to the collapse of social care. Our country and our region deserves better.


There is no doubt that our city region, like others across the north, has been held back by fragmented and under-funded transport networks relied on to provide opportunity and to unlock potential. Devolved powers have inspired some positive steps such as the implementation of £2 bus fares and progress in bringing our local bus services back where they should be in public control.

But far too many people find themselves frustrated and restricted by unreliable rail services and a creaking infrastructure that must be addressed if the economic potential of this part of the country is to be unlocked. Labour says it has a plan to fix our broken railways and, should the party enter government on Friday, we will hold them to account on this every step of the way.


The Liverpool City Region is starting to see the benefits of devolution and the local powers we now have over areas like transport and skills. We want this brilliant place to have a seat at the top table and it is encouraging to hear that, in power, Labour will create a new council of the nations and regions involving the leaders of devolved nations and the mayors of combined authorities like our own.

Hillsborough Law

The Liverpool Echo has long campaigned on behalf of the 97 Liverpool fans unlawfully killed at Hillsborough, the family and friends of the victims and the survivors whose lives were changed forever that dreadful day. For decades, campaigners have fought the smears and lies of the establishment to ensure the truth finally emerged. Sadly the system did not provide them with the justice they both needed and deserved.

The families were desperate to ensure no one else suffers like they did. We support their campaign for a Hillsborough Law meaning ordinary people caught up in major disasters and scandals have a voice. We continually lobbied Labour to implement a Hillsborough Law and were pleased to see this crucial policy in the party’s manifesto.

Climate change

We are incredibly proud of the natural assets we have in this region, especially the great river synonymous with our beautiful city. If we can harness the potential of these natural resources, we can look to create the jobs of the future while tackling the climate crisis that threatens us all. We will push Labour to put the Liverpool City Region at the heart of its green agenda and to play a vital role in its plans for Great British Energy.


Despite the challenges we have faced, the Liverpool City Region has come a long way. We now live in a world-famous, world-beating tourism powerhouse that welcomes huge numbers of visitors from across the globe each year. And despite a sensational Eurovision, there’s more to this city than knowing how to put on a good show.

In Liverpool, the Knowledge Quarter developments and our world-leading universities are spearheading advancements in health, research and life sciences, with hundreds of medical companies now based here. This is an exciting growth area for our city and we would urge an incoming Labour government to turbo-charge these developments. We know how many young people want to come and study in Liverpool but it is absolutely essential we can offer good, well-paid jobs to keep them here for years to come. Labour said Liverpool will be a priority for a new government - and we will push them to prove this from day one.

We appreciate many people were angered by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s decision to engage with the S*n. We 100% understand that and have challenged him on several occasions. And, should Labour gain the keys to No 10 on Friday, we will continue to hold the new government to account ensuring they deliver on their promises. It is time for change. But It is also time for challenge. And be in no doubt if the party does win tomorrow, we will hold it to account on behalf of our communities every single day.

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