Chaos in the classroom after schoolboy gets scissors stuck in his HEAD

<em>The teenager was rushed to hospital with scissors lodged deep in his scalp (CEN)</em>
The teenager was rushed to hospital with scissors lodged deep in his scalp (CEN)

A teenage schoolboy escaped serious injury after somehow getting a pair of scissors stuck in his head.

The unnamed 14-year-old was rushed to hospital in the city of Nasca, Peru, with one blade of the cutting implement lodged deep in his scalp.

However, there were mixed reports as to how the scissors actually got there.

His teacher told authorities that the boy and a female classmate had been playing a game in which the scissors were thrown, resulting in them getting accidentally stuck in the lad’s head.

<em>There are mixed reports as to how the scissors got stuck in the teen’s head (CEN)</em>
There are mixed reports as to how the scissors got stuck in the teen’s head (CEN)

But other classmates said the incident in the Josefina Mejia de Bocanegra school had been an act of deliberate aggression.

They say the unnamed girl stuck the large, orange-handled scissors in the boy’s head during a heated argument.

Doctors said that the scissor blade had fortunately not penetrated the boy’s brain and that they were removed without incident.

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But the cost of the treatment and possibly aftercare including antibiotics is more than his mother can afford.

She told local media: “I do not have money for medicines.”

The teacher has been suspended while an investigation into the incident is launched.