Charity shop latest to be targeted in string of Rhyl store raids

A British Heart Foundation charity shop in Rhyl, taped off by police
-Credit: (Image: Dave Mills)

A British Heard Foundation charity shop has been broken into on Rhyl High Street. It is the latest store to be targeted in the seaside town amid concerns over crime levels.

A photo of damage done to the charity shop was posted on the Rhyl Community Forum Page. Underneath people spoke of their shock.

One commented: "What the hell is going on over last few weeks it's like gangs are just robbing so many places," while another added: "The lowest of the low to break into a charity shop."

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It is the latest in a string of break-ins where stores have been targeted in Rhyl. Earlier this month, North Wales Live reported how shoppers and residents were left aghast at the damage inflicted at the CeX premises on High Street during a break-in. Thieves used a jack to prise open metal shutters before smashing glass to gain entry.

“Madness,” said one woman. Another labelled it “awful” and a third suggested it spelled bad news for the seaside town. “That will be one less shop in Rhyl sadly,” she said.

A couple of days later, police were called to investigate a burglary reported to have happened at around 5am on June 7, at a chemist on Pendyffryn Road.

A police spokesperson said: "We received a call at 7.05am to report a burglary at the British Heart Foundation store on the High Street in Rhyl. Police enquiries into the incident are ongoing."

The British Heart Foundation have been approached for comment.

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