Cheshire to rival Ibiza with weekend highs of 22C as temperatures keep climbing

A council worker waters a flowerbed in Queens Park in Crewe
A council worker waters a flowerbed in Queens Park in Crewe -Credit:Jonathan White

Highs of 22C are expected across Cheshire by the weekend. The Met Office predicts temperatures will steadily climb throughout the week.

On Saturday, the county will peak at 22C which puts it only one behind Benidorm's forecasted high of 23C and level with Ibiza. However, it's not all good news.

In its long-range forecast the Met Office has warned next week could bring heavy rain and thunderstorms to some parts of the country, while temperatures 'will return back closer to normal for May."

This week's forecast for Cheshire

A dry evening with some late evening sunshine. Remaining dry and mild overnight with some patchy mist of fog possible. Minimum temperature 8°C. Wednesday: Any low cloud lifting to leave a largely dry day with hazy spells of sunshine. Feeling warm with light winds. Maximum temperature 19°C.

Outlook for Thursday to Saturday: High pressure dominates for the rest of the week, bringing settled conditions and lots of dry weather. Plenty of warm sunshine and light winds. Mild overnight with fog patches possible.

Met Office's UK long-range forecast

May 11 - May 20 : "The coming weekend will probably remain fine for many, with some spells of sunshine for most and it will continue to feel warm, especially in parts of the south and east where temperatures are likely to remain in the mid-20's. Some areas of cloud are likely, especially around some coasts and perhaps later in northwest Scotland, with an increasing risk of a few showers here too.

"Following this spell of pleasant May weather though, it's all change the following week with conditions likely to turn more changeable across the country, with rainfall likely to be above average in most areas. Some of the rain is likely to be heavy and a few thunderstorms are also likely. Temperatures will return back closer to normal for May."

May 21 - June 4: "For the end of May and the start of June, it will probably start off fairly unsettled with rain or showers for many, but also some sunny spells between them, and slightly-above average temperatures.

"Through the period there are some signs that conditions could become a little more settled in the south and east, with most of the rain reserved for the north and west. With a strong sun at this time of year, it will feel warm in any sunshine."

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