Chihuahua killer sentenced after tossing girlfriend's lifeless dog out window

A thug who battered a Chihuahua and was caught on camera hurling his lifeless body of a first floor window has been sentenced to 240 hours community service.

Donald Gollan, 35, was previously found guilty of killing ex-partner Laura Park’s 12-year-old pet, Archie, and throwing him out the window at her home in Helensburgh.

He was also banned from owning animals for three years when he appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court yesterday (Wednesday) to be sentenced.

But Laura said cruel Gollan should never be allowed to have a pet again as she called for lifetime bans for those like him.

Court had previously heard that the little dog was dead before he was thrown, suffering multiple broken bones after a sustained attack in the home.

A neighbour’s CCTV captured his body being hurled out of the window then a shirtless Gollan stuffing it behind a mattress in the garden.

Laura - who said her home was left “like a crime scene” - said she feels let down by the sentence, and has pledged to campaign for tougher punishments for animal abusers.

Donald Gollan
Donald Gollan -Credit:Supplied

She said: “He tortured and killed a living being.

“It’s horrifying that they’ve not taken into consideration the pain and suffering he caused that poor wee dog.

“We need a massive change to our laws. And that’s something I’ll campaign for.

“I cannot understand why the justice system thinks that he’ll be okay to have an animal in three years time.

“Archie was a living, breathing, feeling domestic pet. For 12 years all he’d known was love and security.

“I would like to see lifetime bans.

“The punishment is not appropriate for the crime. He was convicted of viciously taking another life.”

And she said that the decision has left her still searching for closure.

Laura explained; “We’ll never get closure from such a vicious crime. For the justice system to even acknowledge that Archie’s life was taken might’ve made it feel like less of a kick in the teeth.

“Archie’s story isn’t going to be in vain. I’ll campaign as much as I can to highlight how wrong the system is for the welfare of animals. And how disregarded our pets, which are our babies, are under the current law.

“Pets aren’t just animals to us. They are part of the family and someone we love as much as a child or as the person who lies next to you in bed at night.

“Domestic pets are part of the family; but they aren’t recognised as that. And that has to change.”

Laura Park has been fighting for justice for over two years
Laura Park has been fighting for justice for over two years -Credit:Supplied

Gollan, who denied his crimes, was found guilty after a trial of causing the death of an animal, a breach of the peace, shouting and swearing and breaking a lamp.

Sentencing, Sheriff Kirsty Hood said: “The offence is a serious one. The behaviour involved the killing of a much loved pet and has had a profound impact. Nothing I can say can put matters right.”

As well as the community payback order and ban from owning pets, Gollan was also ordered to undertake court supervised drug and alcohol support - and banned from contacting Laura for three years.