Child predator William Harrison jailed after buying girls sweets then bribing them with £5

Pervert William Harrison tried to bribe two girls with £5 after buying them sweets
-Credit: (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

A prolific flasher and sex offender offered two young girls £5 to get into his car after he bought them sweets at Asda.

The two eight-year-olds had managed to sneak away from one of their homes on September 10, 2022, to buy sweets from the supermarket in Shipley, but upon arriving, realised they did not have enough money. Prosecutor Richard Holland told Bradford Crown Court on Thursday: "A stranger appeared - it was this defendant.

"He didn't ask where their parents were. He offered to buy them [the sweets] and put them in his trolley and went to the tills. When he got the sweets they went back into his trolley and he told the girls to come with him to his car.

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"He was seen on CCTV looking back and waiting for them to follow him. They left the shop and they described walking to the car. He offered them £5 to get into the car and they refused. He got his phone out and asked if they wanted to see pictures of his kids."

What sick Harrison, 62, actually showed the children was an image of genetalia. The girls then ran away and he was identified from CCTV and arrested two days later. Harrison, of Armstong Street in Bradford, went on to tell police he had "accidentally" showed the girls the image.

Mr Holland said: "He admitted buying sweets and everyone going to his car." Harrison suggested the reason the three went to his car was because of how he had arranged his bags, and it "wasn't possible to get the sweets out." The prosecutor added: "He said the girls followed him to his car without him asking."

Asda in Shipley
Asda in Shipley -Credit:Google Maps

The court heard Harrison's mobile phone was seized and downloaded and on it were "searches and other items that demonstrated a sexual interest in children."

It was said web page history included the terms: "w****** while woman," "naturist camps for kids" and "raincoat flashing". There were also "many photographs" of genitalia, as well as videos.

Mr Holland said Harrison had previously been sentenced for a number of offences, including one in 2006 when he sexually assaulted a 24-year-old at Morley railway station. Mr Holland said: "He had a blade on him and said he was going to rape her. A passer-by came to her help and he slapped her before walking away."

Harrison also had previous convictions on his record including exposure and outraging public decency.

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Mitigating, Kevin Murtagh told the court a pre-sentence and psychiatric report had been prepared, and said of Harrison: "He realises it was a stupid thing to do. He lost control for that split second. The report deals with the ability to control and both reports suggest there is a method that can be dealt with and there is a way forward for him...

"He stopped himself going further. He knew it was wrong and apologises to the children." The court heard Harrison had pleaded guilty to two counts of causing or inciting a child under the age of 13 to engage in sexual activity at the plea, trial and preparation hearing, and two counts of child abduction on the day of trial.

Mr Murtagh said: "I think this man can be helped. The probation service said he can be helped. I don't think sending him back to prison would help. It is said he can cope with prison well...I don't think anyone can cope with prison well."

Recorder Hawks jailed Harrison for four years and told him: "You're 62 and you have a troubling history. These are serious offences."

He made Harrison the subject of a sexual harm prevention order and restraining orders without limit of time and ordered him to sign the Sex Offenders' Register for life.