China Releases Simulation of Strike on Taiwan as Two-Day 'Punishment' Exercises End

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army released a simulation of a multi-point strike on Taiwan on Friday, May 24, as part of their two-day military exercises around the island.

The footage shows an animation of rockets being launched from land, air, and sea hitting the island of Taiwan.

The two-day exercises, dubbed Joint Sword-2024A, were deemed necessary as a “powerful punishment” for Taiwan’s separatists “seeking ‘independence’", Chinese officials said.

The People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theater Command, when speaking about the reason for the exercises, said: “‘Taiwan independence and peace across the Taiwan Strait are incompatible.”

Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense condemned the exercises, saying: “We seek no conflicts, but we will not shy away from one. We have the confidence to safeguard our national security.”

The two-day operation finished on Friday. Credit: People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command via Storyful