Chinese fighter jets pulled an 'unsafe' close pass near a US Navy plane over the South China Sea

china air force air show j-10
china air force air show j-10

(J-10s fly in formation at an air show.Xinhuanet)

Chinese fighter jets have once again engaged in "unsafe and unprofessional" behavior around a US Navy plane flying over the contested South China Sea, ABC News reports.

The US Navy plane was reportedly a P-3 Orion, which is used for maritime surveillance.

China has built and militarized artificial islands in the South China Sea and frequently asserts its sovereignty over the land features despite an international court ruling against its claims.

Recently, the USS Dewey, a guided-missile destroyer, contested China's claims in the South China Sea by sailing past the Mischief Reef, one of China's militarized islands.

The US intends to bring this incident up with Chinese authorities at the next opportunity, according to ABC.

This incident is similar to another occurrence earlier in May, when a Chinese jet reportedly flipped over and flew upside down about 150 feet above a US Air Force WC-135.

map south china sea
map south china sea


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