Chinese motorist spotted doing push-ups on highway to wake himself up

Story and video from Newsflare

A motorist was caught doing push-ups on a highway in central China to wake himself up after he admitted he was feeling tired.

The bizarre video, filmed in Badong County in Hubei Province on June 26, shows a man doing push-ups in an emergency lane on a highway.

A police officer asked: "What are you doing here?"

The man said: "Doing push-ups."

"Doing push-ups here at night? Why are you doing push-ups here?" the police officer questioned him.

The man replied: "I am a bit sleepy."

According to reports, the man felt tired and sleepy when he was driving to the service area on a highway - so he parked in the emergency lane and tried to wake himself up by exercising.

The policeman told off the motorist and escorted him to leave safely.

【ギャラリー】Pictures of the week: June 28 - July 430