Chris Sutton certain a nagging Rangers feeling is now in the dressing room as 'flawless' Phil sucked in

Chris Sutton reckons Rangers can't escape the nagging feeling that they've let the title slip back into Celtic's hands.

And the Parkhead hero believes Philippe Clement is feeling the heat after letting Brendan Rodgers 'get under his skin.' Clement was irked by Rodgers' declaration that Celtic are going to have fun in the final league derby of the season, as they have the chance to virtually secure the league title against their bitter rivals.

Clement claimed it was a disrespectful comment and one he wouldn't say himself - before echoing Rodgers almost word for word in his next breath. Sutton believes the growing air of restlessness emanating from the Rangers camp stems from the fact they feel they've 'let it slip' with Celtic now firm favourites to win the title when Rangers had the lead just a few weeks ago. And he believes Clement has let Rodgers, and the city of Glasgow, get to him.

Speaking with Michael Gannon and Craig Swan on the Record Celtic podcast, he said: "When Big Phil came in, he was pretty flawless. He has done an incredible job to get Rangers to this stage. They were seven behind when he came in, now they're three behind. But there will be that nagging feeling from him and the Rangers dressing room that they have let this slip.

"I sense that Brendan has got under his skin a little bit with the 'fun' comment, then Phil said something about how it wasn't respectful to his team, and how he would never say anything like that. Then he went and said exactly the same as Brendan said, that they're going to have fun as well.

"So it's all petty. It's Glasgow, it's the greatest city in the world at changing people's persona and personalities. I don't know what it is about you lot up there, but you can turn people and change people. He was really composed and collected, he didn't mention Celtic when he first came in. But he's been sucked in, unfortunately. All this, Celtic are going to have fun, Rangers are going to have fun, Rodgers saying when he came in 'I'll see you back here in May.'

"It can all come back to bite you in the backside. I always thought you're better to keep your mouth shut and do your talking at the end of the season."