Church bells to ring out when village hosts Bells Festival

Barton Church belltower <i>(Image: PAT JONES)</i>
Barton Church belltower (Image: PAT JONES)

The sound of church bells will ring out across Barton this weekend when the village hosts a Bells Festival.

Bell ringing groups from across North Yorkshire will converge on Barton, near Richmond, on Saturday, June 29 to take part in an annual bell ringing competition.

Barton tower captain Chris Jones said: “This event is usually held in much bigger churches so it's a real honour for our small village church to be chosen as host.

(Image: PAT JONES)

“It is particularly fitting that the competition falls on Armed Forces Day as our church bells are dedicated to the ‘Barton Lads’ who gave their lives in the World Wars.”

Four bells were installed in the church after the First World War, with two more added in 2018 to mark the centenary of the Armistice. One of the new bells is a repurposed Trinity House buoy bell, bearing the inscription "We will remember them".

The festival runs during the afternoon and the winning band will represent Cleveland and North Yorkshire in the county competition later in the year.

(Image: PAT JONES)

“Ringing is a wonderful hobby,” said Chris. “It’s a great social activity as well as wonderful exercise for the body and the brain.

“What’s more, it’s suitable for any age – our youngest ringer is just ten years old and people continue ringing well into their 80s.”

The Barton band practice weekly and ring for services one Sunday a month as well as for weddings and national occasions. People can start ringing at any age and full tuition is free.