Churchyard riddled with Japanese knotweed taken over by fly-tippers and drinkers

St John’s Church off the high street in Goldenhill
St John’s Church off the high street in Goldenhill -Credit:Pete Stonier / Stoke Sentinel

An eyesore churchyard plagued by fly-tippers, drinkers and Japanese knotweed is facing an uncertain future. St John’s Church, in Goldenhill, has been closed since 2016 - with the churchyard officially 'closed' in February 2023

But Stoke-on-Trent City Council will not take over maintenance of the churchyard until the Japanese knotweed has been removed - and that work is expected to take another four years to complete. It comes as the neighbouring fire-hit school house remains an eyesore too.

Sandyford and Goldenhill Residents' Association has been seeking answers since 2006. It has previously brought in criminals on community service to clear up the churchyard.

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Secretary Tom Simpson said: “The council is obliged to take over once it’s in a reasonable condition. So the church has got to get rid of the knotweed, tidy the churchyard up, and from there on the city council will look after it like they do all the other graveyards. It’s very much a stalemate and as a residents' association we want something doing about it. There was a gentleman that’s passed away now but he actually went down there and was tidying it up with some volunteers but it’s just an horrendous task.”

The churchyard has been left and is now covered in litter
The churchyard has been left and is now covered in litter -Credit:Pete Stonier / Stoke Sentinel

The Diocese of Lichfield remains in talks with the council and the owner of the school house.

A diocese spokesperson said: “Closed churchyards usually pass to the council for ongoing maintenance. However, the churchyard is infested with Japanese knotweed which is invasive and needs specialist contractors to eradicate before that can happen. The council is reluctant to take responsibility before that is done. Meanwhile the people of the parish of Goldenhill and Tunstall take care of the churchyard as far as they are able. This is made harder when others let their rubbish make its way into the grounds.

Some of the graves at St John’s Church have been left destroyed
Some of the graves at St John’s Church have been left destroyed -Credit:Pete Stonier / Stoke Sentinel

“Various plans are being considered for the future use of the building and the care of the churchyard. The congregations of Goldenhill and Tunstall churches merged in 2016 and the building at Goldenhill is in need of expensive repairs or redevelopment – both the vicar and archdeacon have been in discussion with the council and the developer who owns the adjacent derelict plot.”

The council is waiting to hear back from the diocese.

Councillor Lynn Watkins, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “We are aware of the closure order for the churchyard and are awaiting further correspondence from the church authorities outlining their plans to put the churchyard into good repair prior to transfer of maintenance envisaged by section 215 of the Local Government Act.”

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