Classic films and TV repeats can help those with dementia at Christmas

Singing along to Bing Crosby's White Christmas can reawaken other old memories, experts say  - Alamy 
Singing along to Bing Crosby's White Christmas can reawaken other old memories, experts say - Alamy

TV repeats and classic films can help people with Alzheimer’s cope with Christmas, the NHS dementia tsar has said.

Prof Alistair Burns said singing along to White Christmas, playing favourite family games or re-watching old movies like It’s a Wonderful Life can stimulate “emotional memories” and feelings of connection.

The NHS already recommends “reminiscence therapies,” to help those with dementia, which typically affects short-term recall far more than long-held memories.

Health experts say that rekindling nostalgia, via old films, photographs, and family traditions can help to keep the brains active, as well as boosting confidence.

Prof Alistair Burns, national clinical director for dementia, said such activities could help to ensure those with the condition enjoyed Christmas, instead of being overwhelmed by it.

He said: “People with dementia might find it hard to follow convoluted conversations amid the chaos and noise of Christmas and can end up feeling excluded.

“Gathering the family round to watch a much-loved classic film, thumb through an old photo album, play a family game or even sing along to a favourite carol can bring people together and help everybody feel part of the fun.”

Experts say that emotional memories remain lodged longer than specific details, meaning that films first watched long ago can help stimulate old memories, and feelings of contentment.

Prof Burns said keeping social networks alive, and brains active, was crucial to maintaining the wellbeing of those with the condition.

Experts said the “social whirl” of Christmas, with a stream of guests coming through the door, and changes from familiar routines could be unsettling for those with dementia.

Charities said it was crucial to take the specific needs of individuals into account.

Kathryn Smith, chief operating officer at the Alzheimer’s Society, said: “Whether it’s an old song they used to enjoy or a classic Christmas film, reminiscing can be beneficial to someone with dementia - it can help to maintain their self-esteem, confidence and sense of self, as well as improve social interactions with others.

"However, every person with dementia is different, so it’s important to listen and accommodate to your loved one’s unique needs and wishes.

“We know that the Christmas period can often be an overwhelming time, but Alzheimer’s Society’s website and Dementia Helpline is a good place to go for expert support, help and advice on how to have a dementia-friendly Christmas,” she said.

Health officials also urged people to look out for signs of possible dementia - such as forgetfulness or emotional changes - among older family members and friends over Christmas.

Charities typically receive extra calls after the festive season, after changes are seen in relatives who have not been seen for months.

For advice on dementia:

Alzheimer’s Society National Dementia Helpline 0300 222 11 22

NHS tips to help those with dementia navigate the Christmas season 

  • Put decorations up gradually so it doesn't come as too much of a change

  • Help people who are frail or living with dementia feel included by getting them to assist with hanging a bauble or other simple tasks

  • Spread out family visits to keep things low key and familiar

  • Don’t overload on food – a full plate can be difficult to tackle for somebody with dementia who might have eating difficulties.

  • Be flexible with planning – be prepared to change plans if something isn’t working