Climate Protesters Blocking Citigroup HQ Entrance in New York Arrested

Climate protesters were detained by police at Citigroup’s headquarters in Manhattan on Friday, June 21, as they blocked entrances to the building.

Video filmed by Planet Over Profit shows protesters holding barricades outside the building on Friday and multiple people being arrested and bound by NYPD officers.

The action was part of “The Summer of Heat on Wall Street” campaign, targeting financial companies and asking them to stop funding oil, coal, and gas; the group is also demonstrating against the war in Gaza, they said.

“More people die from bad air quality every year than murders in this country total. Nine hundred people died in the heat wave at the Hajj just the other day,” one protester was heard saying.

AFP reported the death toll of Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia had surpassed 1,000 as of June 20. Credit: Planet Over Profit via Storyful

Video transcript


We can change to it.

So, hey, hey, hey, hey, you know, you know, you know, don't touch her like that.

More people die from bad air quality every year than murders in this country.

Total 900 people died the other day.

No, the best.

So, hey, hey, hey, hey, you know, you get up, don't touch her like that.

Oh, more people die from bad air quality every year than murders in this country.

Total 900 people died the other day.

