Clive Woodward dust-up with Wales staff erupted in stands as England were stunned

Exactly 25 years ago today, one of the most memorable moments in Welsh rugby history unfolded.

The image of Scott Gibbs breaking English hearts at Wembley as he danced through their defence, before Neil Jenkins ended their Grand Slam hopes with a conversion to secure the most unlikely of Welsh victories, is etched in the mind.

But few know as this moment of sporting drama was unfolding, a confrontation that saw Clive Woodward and members of the Welsh backroom team almost come to blows was happening in the stands.

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As the match ticked into its final moments, Wales trailed by six points.

In the Wembley stands, coach Woodward is on the move. England are about to be declared Five Nations and Grand Slam champions and the white ribbons are being tied around the trophy.

The late Steve Black, Wales' fitness coach at the time, recalled in his autobiography, Blackie: The Steve Black Story: "He walked down the steps to talk to one of the ground staff and he said in loud tones, within hearing of the Welsh management and coaching contingent sitting on the sidelines three or four yards away, 'Where do the winning team have to go to pick up the cup and be presented? I don't know what to do here at Wembley.'

"There was almost a physical fight between Dr Roger Evans and Woodward. Dr Evans, a highly respected consultant from Wales, was dreadfully upset and extremely emotional. He wanted to physically confront Woodward, who pushed him out of the way."

"Then, incredibly, Scott Gibbs scored..."

Indeed he did. This is how it happened.

With little time remaining, Tim Rodber, up until that point the man of the match, is penalised for a high shot on Colin Charvis.

Jenkins bangs the ball into touch. One more lineout. One more chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

One last shot.

So, what's the plan?

"Howlers, Jinks and myself were walking towards the lineout trying to decide how to approach one of the most important set plays in our lives," recalls Scott Quinnell in Ross Harries' book, Behind the Dragon, "when Gibbsy came up behind us, and said 'Just give me the ball.'

"The three of us looked at each other other and thought, 'Jesus, someone's made a decision here.'"

Dafydd James takes over the story: "Gibbsy had it all mapped out in his mind. He looked across at Dallaglio as they were talking to the lineout and, using his full name, shouted: 'Lawrence Bruno Nero Dallaglio! I feel gooooood tonight.'"

Time for the lineout then.

"There was nothing left in the playbook," try hero Gibbs told BBC Radio Wales ahead of their full repeat of the match. "This was the hail mary."

Wales hooker Garin Jenkins' heart is racing. The call at the lineout is made. 'Trifecta Treviso'.

It's a simple one. Three forwards in the lineout; one target. Chris Wyatt.

The rest of the pack are flooding midfield - looking to keep England's defence honest.

Years later, Jenkins recalls how the ground was trembling under his feet but, in that moment, he knows his job.

He hits Wyatt, who pops it down to scrum-half Rob Howley. Standing at first-receiver is Quinnell, who juggles the ball - sucking the England defence in.

"I genuinely thought, 'Right, look as though you're going to juggle the ball now to bring the defensive line in.'" adds Quinnell.

"Believe that, and you'll believe anything!"

Regardless, the No. 8 regains control of the ball and gets a pass out to Gibbs. You know the rest.

But Gibbs wasn't necessarily the intended target.

Scott Gibbs bursts through the English defence
England coach Clive Woodward pictured in 1999

"It was late in the week before the match when myself, Scott and Rob Howley came up with a series of potential opportunities depending on how the game went and the defence set up," reminisced Gibbs on Radio Wales.

"We had this play that was reminiscent to something we did with great success at St Helens where Bobby Goulding would run across the face of the defence and then you would find opportunities by players coming on an overs play or an unders play.

"You'd often find someone of great strength on the outside and we were hoping that would be Gareth Thomas hitting the 15m channel.

"It was Scott Quinnell's ability to catch the ball and juggle it that focused the defender on him.

"I found a seam and flossed my way through and the rest is history."

With Rodber, Neil Back, Matt Dawson, Matt Perry and Steve Hanley all trailing in Gibbs' wake, the centre touched down to spark mass delirium.

Yet, the match wasn't won yet.

It was up to Jenkins to kick the conversion. If there was one man you'd put your house on to nail the extras, it was Jenkins.

He didn't exactly need any words of wisdom of motivation before he put the ball on the tee. Nobody thought he was ever going to miss.

But Gibbs still had something to say.

"He jogged over to Jinks with the ball," prop Peter Rogers recalls in Behind the Dragon, "and just said four words.

"'Put the f****r over.'"

He didn't need telling twice. The rest is history.

The day after, Dallaglio finds a message on his answering machine.

"All right, Lawrence? Scott here. Just wanted to apologise for the try yesterday."