Co Down firefighters band together to raise funds and rehab equipment for Ulster Hospital’s stroke ward

Alan Blair tries out the new specialist ‘recumbent’ bike donated to the Ulster Hospital’s Stroke Ward
-Credit: (Image: South Eastern HSC Trust)

A ‘band of brothers’ from Co Down have come together to fundraise in support of their former colleague who has been receiving rehabilitation care at the Ulster Hospital’s Stroke Ward.

A familiar face to many in the Ards community and a firefighter since 1986, Watch Commander ‘WC’ Alan Blair, who retired from the Fire Service in 2021, suffered a stroke on April 30th. As a result was left with a weakness to the right side of his face, arm and leg.

As part of his recovery process Alan required a specialist ‘recumbent’, stationary bike which would help repair the strength lost in his right side. The team from the Ards Fire Station established a Just Giving page to raise enough funds to purchase the bike and stroke ‘glove’ and ‘cube’ kits.

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Ards Fire Service Crew Commander Phil Clint explained how thanks to the fraternity of firefighters from Newtownards Fire Station and the generosity of the public, their goal of fundraising £3,000 has been “smashed” as over £5,000 has been raised to purchase the rehabilitation equipment.

He said: “We received lots of donations from other fire stations in the district and we smashed our initial goal in just two weeks. Alan is so well known throughout the Fire Service as well as for his fundraising work too.

“The amount raised is a testament to Alan’s reputation. The service has really banded together. Alan has done so much for the community and for the Fire Service.”

L-R NI Firefighter Mark Adair, NI Fire Service Crew Commander Phil Clint, Physio Student Ciara Orr, Physio Assistant Lynsey Hamilton, Physio Jayne McKeown, Physio Chloe Creighton and Alan’s son, Ben Blair
L-R NI Firefighter Mark Adair, NI Fire Service Crew Commander Phil Clint, Physio Student Ciara Orr, Physio Assistant Lynsey Hamilton, Physio Jayne McKeown, Physio Chloe Creighton and Alan’s son, Ben Blair -Credit:South Eastern HSC Trust

Alan’s son Ben described how the family are “so grateful” to the Physiotherapy and Speech and Language team as his dad prepared to be discharged from hospital.

“The team here, the whole ward has been brilliant for Dad. It’s great to see the bike and equipment here and it’s good that Dad is leaving a bit of legacy behind with it,” said Ben.

Ulster Hospital Physiotherapist Jayne McKeown added: “We are delighted by this donation as it will help so many people on their rehab journey both from a cardiovascular point of view and help prime recovery for stroke patients.

“We just want to say a huge thanks for the bike and equipment. It is really fantastic!”

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