Cody Rhodes, You Just Won The WWE Championship. What Are You Going To Do Next? Go To Disney World, Of Course

 Cody Rhodes with WWE Title/Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom.
Cody Rhodes with WWE Title/Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom.

When a football team wins the Super Bowl or a baseball team wins the World Series, we get a cool commercial on TV where the MVP tells the world he’s going to Disneyland. So what do you do when you’re Cody Rhodes, the newly crowned WWE Champion, and you’re also a serious Disney Parks fan? You go to Disney World, of course.

Wrestlemania 40 took place earlier this month and it was capped off by a wild main event that saw Cody Rhodes finally end the over three-year reign of Roman Reins as WWE Universal Champion. Shortly thereafter Cody and his family went to their happy place, Walt Disney World, and the pictures of the family posted by Cody’s wife Brandi are just adorable.

We see the family hanging out with Goofy and friends at Ravello. The family also dined at the Liberty Tree Tavern at Magic Kingdom, and daughter Liberty clearly enjoyed her namesake. The group also got pictures in Toy Story Land and it looks like mom and dad got away for a nice dinner together as well. No word if Rhodes drank The Rock’s tequila while visiting Epcot’s Mexico pavilion.

If you follow Cody or Brandi Rhodes on social media then you know a picture of the family at a Disney Park is far from an unusual thing to see. We can almost guarantee that at the upcoming WWE event in France next month the family will be hitting Disneyland Paris. Rhodes is already on record with the absolutely correct opinion that Disneyland Paris’ Space Mountain is the best Space Mountain.

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It’s far from shocking that the place they decided to celebrate Cody’s career milestone was here. Disney World is where people propose (I did), go to get married, go on their honeymoons, celebrate birthdays, and other important moments in their lives. As Brandi says in the post, “A dream is a wish your heart makes” and being WWE Champion is a dream that has come true for her husband.

And while we’re on the subject, WWE really should have worked out an “I’m Going To Disney World” commercial for Cody Rhodes. The new champ clearly would have loved to do it, and the moment was so iconic and emotional for all involved. Rhodes becoming champion was a big deal for WWE and their fans. It was absolutely as big as a team winning the Super Bowl. And if Cody Rhodes had gotten a parade down Main Street U.S.A. the way Super Bowl MVPs do, people would have turned out to see it.

Even without a parade, we can guess that the new WWE Champion will be a fantastic unofficial spokesman for Disney Parks, and maybe some Disney Parks fans who aren’t already wrestling fans will become WWE fans knowing the champ is one of them.