Comic Book Writer Jimmy Palmiotti Offers Decades of Work for Charity

If you are a comic book reader who has a long flight coming up, writer Jimmy Palmiotti has one humble suggestion. He is offering hundreds of pages’ worth of his comics at a steep discount as part of a sale that see proceeds go to the World Wildlife Fund.

“It can get you from Japan and back from the east coast,” Palmiotti says with a laugh of the hefty reading material, available via the service Humble Bundle, which allows buyers to adjust how much of the proceeds to go charity and how much go to creators like Palmiotti.

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Among them is Random Acts of Violence, which Jay Baruchel adapted as a feature in 2019. Another book in the batch was also in development as a movie: the crime drama Back to Brooklyn.

Palmiotti reveals that that late Boyz n the Hood  filmmaker John Singleton, who died unexpectedly in 2019, was developing a feature version of the book, which Palmiotti penned with The Boys creator Garth Ennis.

According to Palmiotti, there’s one scene in particular that Singleton was puzzled about how to adapt. (It involves a despicable, wheelchair-bound mother being pushed into oncoming traffic.) As Palmiotti recalls it, Singleton said of the scene: “It’s the thing that makes me stop and put the book down and laugh out loud, but I’m like, ‘How would you do that in the movie?'”

The Pro, about a sex worker who gains superpowers, is another Palmiotti-Ennis collaboration in the bundle. Readers can get 20 titles if they give at least $18.

These are all books Palmiotti has the rights to, so it might be a surprise that there are multiple DC Comics titles in the bunch as well. Among them: G.I. Zombie, The Twilight Experiment, The Resistance and Monolith, all of which reverted back to Palmiotti over the years because of his deal with DC. (He just had to strip out the DC logo to include it in the bundle.)

So far, more than 2,300 people have bought bundles, raising over $5,000 for the World Wildlife Fund. For Palmiotti, it’s gratifying that people who may not know some of this work are taking a look. And, of course, it’s good to give a little back to the world’s animals. Says the scribe: “They can’t protect themselves from us crazy humans. I think they need a hand up any chance they get.”

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