Commission casts doubt on DAERA's authority to call public inquiry over water licences for Dalradian Gold mine

The Dalradian pre-public inquiry on Wednesday showing a public seated area looking towards an elevated stage with a set of tables on it with people seated at the tables. People are also seated on the public seated area
The Dalradian pre-public inquiry on Wednesday -Credit:Shauna Corr

Doubts have been cast over DAERA’s legal authority to call a ‘public inquiry’ on water abstraction and impoundment in relation to Dalradian Gold’s mining application for the Sperrins.

The contentious project is being examined by the Planning Appeals Commissions following a decision by ex infrastructure minister Nichola Mallon.

That inquiry has been split into four parts, which each involve a different public body, and is due to start in September.

Read more: Stormont faces accusation of ‘rubber stamping everything Dalradian want’

They include the mine project itself, electricity connections, consents for water discharge and abstraction and the proposed abandonment of the associated Crockanboy Road.

But now the Water Appeals Commission has written to the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs water regulation team to question information provided to them at the pre-inquiry meeting about the water consents.

They said in the letter dated April 18 that because Dalradian’s water and abstraction licenses for the site in Greencastle, Co Tyrone are “deemed refused... the Commission is of the view that DAERA appears not to have had the necessary lawful authority to call a Public Inquiry in relation to the Water Abstraction and the Impoundment License applications”.

They also questioned information provided to them during the pre-inquiry meeting at Omagh’s Strule Arts Centre by a DAERA representative who “specifically confirmed that extensions had been requested and agreed”.

And added: “Regrettably, it appears to us that the Department’s representative may not have given entirely accurate information on this at the pre-inquiry meeting to allow the issues to be addressed in that public forum.”

Friends of the Earth director James Orr said the letter sends “a rocket” to DAERA.

“They are saying there are no lawful authority for those consents so unless Dalradian can pull something out of the bag, which I doubt by next Tuesday, it looks as though there is no other option but for the inquiry to be adjourned.

“Water is so critical... particularly on all the issues around peatland [in the Sperrins]. It is not a peripheral issue and goes to the heart of many of the concerns.”

A DAERA spokesman said: “The Department is considering the correspondence issued by the Water Appeals Commission today, 18 April, and has no further comment to make at this stage.”

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