Common household plants that will banish spiders from your home this summer

It's spider season
There are plenty of spiders around at the moment -Credit:Pexels

As the weather warms up and we start to enjoy the sunshine, many of us will be opening our windows to let in some fresh air. However, this can also invite some unwelcome eight-legged guests into our homes.

In the UK, spider season officially begins in September when amorous arachnids come out in search of a mate, often seen scurrying across our living room floors. But even though we may not always see them, spiders are actually present in our homes throughout the year, especially during summer when we let in more fresh air and inadvertently invite more of these unwanted visitors indoors.

While spiders do serve a purpose, notably catching flies - another common summer nuisance, there are several plants that can deter these arachnids from invading your home, helping to keep it spider-free. Here are eight of the best plants to help ward off those eight-legged intruders, reports the Mirror.


When it comes to keeping unwanted bugs at bay, Basil is a versatile plant that not only repels spiders but also ants, flies and mosquitoes. The fragrant herb, which can also be used in cooking, is best placed in small pots around entrances to your home for maximum efficacy.


Lavender is another plant that spiders dislike. This sweetly scented plant offers a non-toxic way to rid your home of unwanted guests without the need for harsh chemicals. For the best results, place a lavender cutting in each room of your home.


Rosemary is an unexpected plant that many homeowners may overlook. Although its scent is faint to humans and typically doesn't cause too much discomfort, it's actually potent to spiders who can't stand the strong aroma. Much like Basil, it's best placed in small pots around entrances to the home, or on windowsills.


One plant that is often overlooked by homeowners due to the changes it can cause in our beloved cats' behaviour, is of course the infamous Catnip. However, besides driving cats wild, this plant can also keep spiders at bay. For best results, place the plant on a sunny windowsill and water once the soil has dried.


Marigolds are also effective in keeping spiders away. The stunning yellow flowers were once hailed as the allotment keeper's best friend, and are renowned for their pest-repelling properties.

The sweet-smelling flowers deter a wide range of small pests, from spiders and snails to flies and beetles. Plus, their vibrant golden blooms add a splash of colour to your garden while providing a humane method of spider control.


Citronella is another potent plant known for its spider-repelling abilities. It also wards off mosquitoes, flies, gnats and numerous other unwelcome household pests. Often sold as an oil derived from lemongrass leaves, the actual plant, Cymbopogon, can be grown in your garden to keep spiders at bay.


Peppermint is another favourite for keeping homes spider-free. This sweet, fast-growing plant can be used effectively by placing small pots in affected rooms or creating a spray with a few leaves in a water bottle.

Spritz this around entrances like doorways and windowsills. Not only will your room smell refreshingly minty, but you should also notice a significant reduction in spider sightings.


One surefire way to deter spiders is the earthy scent of Eucalyptus. Often used as a spider repellent, it's also effective against mosquitoes. When mixed with witch hazel and water in a spray bottle, it can even prevent spiders from spinning their webs by simply spraying on the targeted area.