Commuter Stunned to See Texas Police Shepherding Escaped Goats Through Neighborhood

Police in Texas’s Dallas-Fort Worth area rounded up dozens of goats that escaped their enclosure and wandered through residential neighborhoods on Tuesday, February 27.

The City of Arlington had recently brought hundreds of goats to the Crystal Canyon Natural Area to clear underbrush and invasive plants. A group of the goats managed to escape their enclosure and went for an early-morning stroll on Tuesday, police said.

Video recorded by Jason Hooks shows officers shepherding the goats through a neighborhood.

Hooks told Storyful the sight “was hilarious” and unexpected on his morning commute.

Police said all of the goats were guided safely back to the park. “File this one under ‘Only in Texas’,” police wrote on social media. Credit: Jason Hooks via Storyful

Video transcript

JASON HOOKS: Holy goat mamas.


We got your goat out here in Arlington.


Just a bunch of goats this morning. Holy moly.

This is insane.

Look at all the goats.


- Holy goat mamas.


We got your goat out here in Arlington.


Just a bunch of goats this morning. Holy moly.

This is insane.

Look at all the goats.